Waverly #79 AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary

Donna Fischer 319-352-1358 or dmfischer1948@gmail.com

National AMVETS Convention was August 6 – 11 in Orlando, FL. Mary Steinbach and I attended. We had speakers from Freedom’s Foundation, St Jude’s Children’s Hospital and Paws With A Cause. Very informative convention.

I want to thank everyone who comes down to the WAVP and supports the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Thursday food nights. With the money we raise we are able to give donations to National, State, and local projects. We also can give out scholarships to local students.

We would love to have you as an Auxiliary member. Would you consider this? Dues right now are just $20.00 per year but will be going up to $25.00 if paid after January 1st. Not much when you realize what your dues do to help our Veterans. With your membership, it gives the Auxiliary strength in numbers when presenting issues to our congress to preserve Veteran’s benefits. Locally it helps with WAVP activities and being able to communicate with our members.

Dues may be sent to:   Mary Steinbach

    901 7th Ave. NW

    Waverly, Iowa 50677

We Waited Together, Now Let’s Work Together