Iowa Congress Passes Amendment to the Disabled Veterans Homestead Property Tax Credit Application
The Iowa state house and senate passed an amendment to House File 166, pertaining to the Disabled Veterans Homestead Property Tax Credit Application this week, which is on its way for Governor Branstad to sign. This amendment provides an exception to application filing deadline for submitting applications for tax credits retroactively to January 1, 2014. This Disabled Veteran Homestead Property Tax Credit is available to 100% service-connected disabled veterans, family members receiving Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC), and Individual Unemployable disabled veterans certified and paid by the US Department of Veterans Affairs at the 100% level.
“The Department of Veteran Affairs believes it is likely that the Governor will find this bill favorable”, said Bob Kin, executive Director of Veterans Affairs, “We expect the Governor will sign it as soon as it reaches his desk.”
Applications must be received by the county assessor’s office no later than close of business Tuesday, June 30 2015 to be eligible for the credit. Applications can be found online at the Iowa Department of Revenue website.