Tag Archives: Waverly
AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary News – February 2017
First of all I wan to thank everyone involved in the planning, prep work, and execution of the my recognition dinner as State of Iowa AMVETS Auxiliary President and also the SEC meetings held on Saturday and Sunday, January 14-15. We had AMVETS members from across the state here for the weekend with most commenting on the WAVP and the staff working there. A special thanks goes to my Auxiliary members that were there supporting me, decorating the hall for the dinner, and preparing and serving the lunch after the meetings.
On January 6th 8 members traveled to the Marshalltown VA home for their monthly volunteering in the craft room and helping with BINGO. With us we took donated items that were collected. We ended up with my trunk full and also the back part of Jean’s van of donated items. All items were needed and greatly appreciated.
With success of the this collection, Donna Fischer, local 3rd Vice for Child Welfare and also Department 3rd Vice, would like to start a collection box for items needed at the Ronald McDonald Houses of Iowa City and Des Moines. As Department 3rd Vice her project is the Ronald McDonald House, which serves as a “home away from home” for families, that have children in the hospital. There is a large list of items that are always needed, but the following items are always needed: paper towels, plastic cutlery, stainless steel cleaning wipes, white cardstock, postage stamps, grocery gift cards, and gas cards. We ask that you consider donating items for her project. She will hand deliver the collected items to the Des Moines Ronald McDonald House in April. You can go onto the Ronald McDonald House website to find a more complete list of items needed or to make a charitable donation.
“The Wall That Heals” is coming to the Cedar Valley this spring from May 18th to the 21st and will be displayed and the Cedar Falls AMVETS Post #49. It is a mobile, half-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial that is displayed in Washington DC and will be accompanied by the Mobile Education Center. The exhibit will be open 24 hours of the day to allow everyone the ability to experience this exhibit. This will be a wonderful event for the entire family. Mark your calendars and plan to view the “The Wall That Heals”.
The Department of Iowa AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary has raffle tickets for sale as part of the Department fundraisers. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year and proceeds are essential to the continues success of our Department. Prizes include gift baskets, gift cards, cash, and more! Something for everyone! Drawings will be held at the Spring SEC and you need not be present to win, so if asked to purchase tickets, help us out by buying one or more. Thank you in advance for supporting AMVETS, AMVETS Auxiliary, and Sons of AMVETS
Sons of AMVETS – February 2016
The current officers of the Sons of AMVETS Post 79 would like to welcome all new members and to thank all current members for their continued support. It has been a long 8 years without an AMVETS building, but the new WAVP is open, beautiful, and offers many activities throughout the week. If you have not been to the WAVP, I encourage you to read our monthly newsletter, keep current with the month’s activities, and join us regularly for Sons of AMVETS Post 79 meetings.
Right now our only fundraising activity is a collection bin located at the WAVP where anyone can donate their cans and bottles. Money raised from this collection bin is used for the our scholarship fund and to give back to the WAVP for upkeep and their expenses. In the near future we are planning a meeting night for the Sons to take a tour of the building, future activities in which the Sons can support our community and local veterans, and what the Sons of AMVETS can help with to support the WAVP.
Upcoming events that are being planned at the WAVP are Saturday steak nights and a monthly fish fry. Remember these? When the details for these two events are finalized they will be looking for volunteers. This will be a great opportunity for the Sons of AMVETS and their members to become more active by volunteering. “Many hands make little work”
Our next meeting will be at the WAVP on February 13th starting at 6:30. Please mark you calendar and plan to attend this meeting. Any questions or concerns may be directed to me or to Jim Trask 319-240-0704. If we immediately do not have the answers we will make sure we talk to the right people to find the answer. We currently are asking Sons members to be more involved in our projects and to fill in as officers are needed.
As we start a new year, please remember our veterans, past and present, along with their families, and what they have contributed and sacrificed for the freedom we have today.
Thank you again for your commitment to our veterans and their families, and you membership to the Sons of AMVETS Post 79.

Chaplain’s Corner – February 2017
True love vs. romance 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 & verse 13
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Although, it might be said that all love has romance, I assure you all romance does not have love. Every year in the United States, and beyond, as February 14th, Valentine’s Day, approaches people’s minds turn to all things love and romance. But don’t be confused as they are not synonymous. Romance can be defined as an intense, often short-lived attraction, fascination, or enthusiasm for something or someone. Usually, this romantic attraction is based on some outside quality that is mysterious or fascinating, like something that appears adventurous, heroic, or unusually beautiful. This type of Romance is temporary and rooted in fantasy mostly, never growing past the level of infatuation. If real love was only romance, relationships would never really have a chance, they would be cursed to remain superficial at best. Your love has to be more than a greeting card’s sappy notions. Your love has to be more than a feeling…and your love has to be even more than just an action.
Scripture says love is more than just a feeling or an action…it is a lifetime of actions…It is complete unselfishness toward another. In one word, love is – sacrifice.
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. This verse certainly means that being willing to give one’s life for another is at the height of unselfish love and sacrifice but God also says that you can and should be a living sacrifice.
True love thinks about everyone but itself. True love isn’t selfish, ridged, and locked in its own ways. True love is adaptable and ready, willing and able to adjust to the needs of others. Many times in scripture it refers to someone who can’t receive God’s love as someone who has hardened their heart. You’ve probably seen it in your life as well when someone is so ridged, so hardened, so focused on themselves…they cannot truly love someone else. Maybe you’re the one who falls into this category? So, ask yourself, do you look for the needs of others or are you constantly thinking about yourself? Scripture is God’s love letter to mankind, the most amazing Valentine card ever written and in its pages is the description of the ultimate act of love and sacrifice and also, Gods blueprints for true love and true romance. Now, think for a moment, if you will, as to the kind of love and its intensity… the love, of Country, that drives a man or woman to enlist and be willing to sacrifice their life in that service. So, this February 14th… please remember, in your prayers, all have felt that love and committed themselves to that service. For no one since Jesus Christ has someone you don’t even know been willing to give their life
for you… and that my friends is LOVE!
paraphrased from an original Holy Host posting 2/14 of the Jesus Christ Show

Retirement of VFW Flag

Super Bowl Sunday Bash!
Second to last day before shutdown
The AMVETS club will be closing its doors for the new building remodel on Monday, February 2nd. The club will be open on Super Bowl Sunday, February first. Please check out our calendar for event details.
Events will continue at the American Legion Building while preparations are made for the new WAVP club. Thank you for your continued support!

Thursday Dinner at the Club – Spaghetti
That oven looks tired! Come in and take a load off and spend some time with some friends for Thursday Dinner! Just $7.00 gets you a heaping plate of spaghetti, salad and Garlic bread.

Beer Specials
What better to go with your Spaghetti than a nice, cold beer! $ .25 off all draw beers and $ .50 off every pitcher.

Waverly Light & Power – Christmas Party
Waverly Light and Power Christmas Party