Tag Archives: scholarships

AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary President News

Mary Steinbach- AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary President 2015-2016

Mary Steinbach- AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary President 2015-2016

Mary Steinbach 319-230-9318 or mjonly@mchsi.com

*A new year is on it’s way and big things are about to happen. We look forward to opening of the new WAVP facility. Still many items to be finalize, decisions to be made, fundraising efforts still in the works. If asked, please step forward and lend a hand or support a fundraising activity.

*Two activities this month are a Valentine’s Steak dinner February 13 hosted by the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary and the 9th Annual Chili Cook-off/Pool Tournament on Super Bowl Sunday. Save the dates and plan to attend. If you would like more information on either event you can call 319-483-9287 or you can call me.2015 Valentine

This special Steak Night will be hosted by the  AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary. Proceeds from the dinner will be used for our Scholarship Fund. Join us for a fun filled evening and good food.

chili cookoff

*The first Friday of the month, ladies from the Auxiliary travel to Marshalltown to volunteer at the VA Home. It is a very rewarding experience. If you would like to go for the day, call Jean Lanske before hand to let her know you would like to go. 319-269-3371.

Aimee (IVH volunteer coordinator) receiving some donations of money and goods for the Veterans Home in Marshalltown from our own Post 79 Ladies, Jean, Marlys and Wanda.

2015 Auxiliary members at Marshalltown

*On February 27 AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary National President Kathy Berning will be honored at a dinner at the Clarion Inn in Cedar Falls. Madam President Berning is from Cedar Falls and has worked hard for the AMVETS organization on  local, State, and National levels.  It is an honor to know her and am very proud of her level of dedication to AMVETS and helping veterans and their families.


“We Waited Together – Now Let’s Work Together“