Tag Archives: Reserves

Commanders Call – September 2017

August is just about over. Man Oh Man! Where does the time go?School has started again, then it’s time for football.

Just a reminder to mark your calendar.  Oct 11th is the membership dinner for the AMVETS, Auxiliary, and the Son’s. Social hour 5 pm, dinner 6pm.

August 18 was our first fish fry in approximately 9 years. It was a great success. People enjoyed themselves and thought the fish was great. We would like to thank everyone for coming and hope to see them next, September 15th 5:30PM to 7:30PM. Thanks to all the people that put in hours organizing and working the fish fry. Special thanks to Tim and Tom Miller from Sumner for guiding us through the first fish fry. Check your WAVP calendar so you don’t miss out on all the activities.

Condolences go out to the Meyer Family. Herb passed away August 12. Herb has done so much for the AMVETS and the Waverly Shell Rock School. It would fill a book with all of his accomplishments. He will be greatly missed.

Also, our condolences goes out to the Schuler Family. Ken passed away August 1st.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.



Bob O’Hare



Commanders Call – May 2017

Ted Lanske

*I wish there was space and time to “Thank” everyone that has supported our activities during the many years I have served as Post Commander, State Commander and various other positions.  The list is long and many over the years are no longer present, but had an influence on my life.  I truly appreciate those of you that have sat with me or allowed me to sit with you as we shared thoughts on various aspects of our Veteran’s organizations.  Friendly disagreement adds to the strength of a healthy organization and should never be put down, and an honest response is invaluable to maintaining integrity.  It is far better to state “I don’t know or have the answer, but will find out and get back to you”, then trying to live on B.S.  or lies.  I may not always have been successful, but as Commander, I have tried to be open to everyone’s opinion, but many times have supported what I felt was best for AMVETS at that time.

*REMINDER:  The election of Officers for 2017-18 will take place May 10th, with the meeting starting at 1900 or 7:00 p.m.  This is a terrific opportunity to become involved, showing support for Veterans with very little time involved.  If you have questions, I am willing to have coffee with you and discuss it.

*The VFW has the responsibility of promoting Waverly’s Memorial Day activities, but ask all of you to support the day’s activities along with our neighboring communities.  Reminding you now, that the parade route will be different with the closure of 1st St and Bremer Ave. NW.

*Cedar Falls AMVETS Post 49 is hosting the “Vietnam Traveling Wall” from May 17-May 21.  Volunteers are still needed and if interested:

Volunteer to help at The Wall That Heals
Follow the directions below:
Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page: http://signup.com/go/KCx7jF
2. Enter your email address
3. Sign up! Choose your spots
If you are having trouble, email Donita Krueger at donitakrueger@gmail.com and she will send you a link, or
there is a sign up sheet at AMVETS Post 49

*As we look forward into May, let us remember; school will be coming to an end and sidewalks will be full of young bicyclists and children with no thought of danger.  It is up to us to slow down, be more vigilant (especially with the construction areas) and protect them.  If you have children or grandchildren, try to instill the reasoning of wearing a helmet and awareness of their surroundings.  The same should be said of water activities.  It is so heartbreaking to hear or read of a young child drowning in a farm pond or hit at an intersection.  We all need to be more aware of what and where we are and less time worrying about the chirping cell phone.  I wish all of you a truly SAFE and WONDERFUL SUMMER.

Help AMVETS Help Veterans

Welcome to AMVETS Post 79, Waverly Iowa!

With a charter dating back to 1947, the Waverly AMVETS post 79 and its Auxiliary has a longstanding history of service, both to its community, and its veterans.  As we look to the future, we hope to continue the principles which have sustained our mission over the years.  As we make this transition, we look forward to many new projects which will extend our mission into the next generation of service members who, like their predecessors wish to make a better community for those with which they work and live.


We invite you to join us and experience the fellowship of veterans, wives and friends of veterans, both past and present.  Pride in service extends beyond the ranks of the military, and we would be honored to count you among our honored members.

If this is your first time visiting our new page, please take the time to go through our Tutorial.  Please come back on a regular basis, check Latest News and In Memorium for current information.

Commanders Call – July 2016

Ted Lanske 319-240-0734 tedsph98@aol.com

Ted Lanske

*Hard to believe another six months have gone by and the days start getting shorter.  If you get the chance, celebrate this time of the year with any outside activity you enjoy.  I find that even the simplest of things; fire pit on a nice evening with a glass of wine, sitting outside with a morning cup of coffee in the early a.m., enjoying the sound of nature in solitude, are pleasures that so much of the world cannot or will not be able to ever enjoy.  With all our faults and a government we may question, we still live in a country where these things are possible, because of the Veterans before us and those that serve now.  Help AMVETS help Veterans- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – enjoy your summer.

* I attended our State Convention in Marshalltown and was very disappointed in the turnout of AMVETS.  Each year the count of attendees goes down and very few new faces for the future.  It doesn’t help, when we continue at the State level without a good form of communication.  Our State web site has not been updated for a year and without a State newsletter, I understand the resistance to become involved.  That is why I truly appreciate the support I receive from our Post 79 members and those that let me know they check out our newsletter, facebook– Amvets post 79 and go to the web site- www.amvets79.us.  I believe for Post 79 and the WAVP to be successful and continue, communication is the key, and any way we can do that is a plus and would welcome suggestions from you.

*AMVETS is still experiencing problems with both the Department and National regarding membership records and renewal.  If you receive a renewal notice this past month or two, please contact Carl Benning or myself and let us know.  The more information we receive, the better, as we try to correct the problem.

*I have asked in the past, but ask again, whether you are an AMVET, AMVETS Auxiliary, or a Sons member and do any volunteer work, donate blood, have donated goods to your church, Goodwill or similar organization; please let one of your officers know.  This is important, as it demonstrates the commitment to be a non-profit organization.

*Due to several little items, the decision was made at AMVETS State Convention to hold the 2017 convention in Marshalltown.  The AMVETS Convention Corporation will be looking at our facility for 2018 but also will be considering a State Executive Committee (SEC) meeting for early next year.  Presently, the Waverly Area Veterans Post (WAVP) is in the process of hiring a facilities manager, (decision should be made by 1 July) and this person will have their hands full with a lot of responsibilities and decisions.

*The representatives for AMVETS on the WAVP board, effective July 1 will be James Brandau, Carl Benning and Bob O’hare.  If you have concerns or suggestions regarding the WAVP, these are the individuals you should contact.  The other individuals on the board are: Darrel Blasberg, Larry Buchholz, Hank Bagelmann, Martin Heering, Michael Kukral, Richard Miller, Lee Schissel, Bob Davidson, and Roger Metzger.  The annual WAVP meeting, open to the public for comments and questions, with installation of the new representatives is scheduled for July 19, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at the WAVP (208 8th Ave. SW).  The latest updates on opening, grand opening, state firemen’s convention, and facilities manager should be available.

*Please check the calendar for July activities, food nights, steaks, breakfast and the Heritage Days parade.  I am hoping that the hard work and support by several people (the team) in getting the WAVP trailer fixed up and prepped to be used as a float will pay off and all organizations be involved.  Thanks to Bob & Sally O’hare, Vernon Sebilsky, Fox Tire and Walker’s Auto Salvage for being on the trailer team.  We all know there is no I in Team, but still have those that start too many sentences with I want, but should ask, “What will help make the WAVP better or more successful?”.

* May all of you have a safe, enjoyable and family filled July 4th weekend and summer.

Commander Call – March 2016

Ted Lanske 319-240-0734 tedsph98@aol.com

Ted Lanske

*First, I would like to express my thanks to Michelle Ferguson for everything she has done this past year.  I may be biased, but believe there are many people that agree; she was the one that led us through this past year at the Canteen and helped make it a success.   Thank you Michelle.


*Thanks to all that supported the Ladies Valentine Steaks.  What a great evening and from my perspective, a great social gathering with friends, family and meeting some new people.  Conditions are not perfect for grilling, but very few complaints and none serious. Several visitor compliments from Post 49, Cedar Falls.

*Don’t forget that the Sons of AMVETS will be doing steaks on Saturday, March 5th 5:30 – 8:00 pm.  Please come and support them; although not a large group, the Sons have been there in many ways, quietly supporting us.  On March 24th, the AMVETS Auxiliary will be hosting food night with a menu of chicken noodle over biscuit with green beans and desserts.   March 31st, our past Canteen Coordinator scheduled the AMVETS Commander back doing Chicken Wings plus sides.  (The only thing he can get right without screwing it up according to her)  J The Louisiana hot sauces will be there for the BRAVE.

*If you are an AMVET and have either a daughter or son that meets the requirements of our Auxiliary or Sons, please talk to them about becoming a part of these groups.  They can be as active as they choose, but this is a way for them to show their support for those that have served or are serving.  Contact Ted Lanske, Jean Lanske or John Mohlis if there are questions.

*It is that time of year where the sun may be in your eyes while driving early morning or evening with the added problems of thawing and freezing on the highways.  Momentary blindness or sudden patches of ice lead to numerous accidents so give yourself some extra time and be safe.

*Reminder:  Please utilize 319-483-9287 to call the WAVP Canteen, and on Facebook – Amvets Ladies Auxiliary Post 79, Waverly. IA for up to date information.  Not on facebook?  Then if you have children or grand children close by or frequently visiting, have them hook up to the facebook connection and link for you.  Tell them it’s “payback time”, but smile when you say it and you may be surprised what gets posted.  Don’t forget to check out our website www.amvets79.us  while you have them handy.

Facebook – Amvets Ladies Auxiliary Post 79, Waverly, IA

*Final comment; If you have a friend or acquaintance sitting at home, now is the time with nicer weather to invite them out and stop at the Canteen.  We do serve non alcohol drinks if desired.

*FYI:  Please pass this along to anyone who may have a child or grandchild that is a senior in high school and is looking at furthering their education.  Our local AMVETS Auxiliary will have scholarship applications at the WSR High School Counselor’s office.  They need to be picked up and completed according to directions on the form.  The Iowa Department of AMVETS also has scholarships available for graduating seniors.  These applications will be available at WSR High School also.  If you have questions, please contact me and I will try to have applications available.

*If your AMVETS membership card is unreadable or lost, you can get a replacement for $5.00 or a gold replacement for $15.00.  You can go on line to National or again contact me and I will process it through the internet and you should have it within two weeks.

Help AMVETS help Veterans

Commanders Call – December 2015

wavp logo 3WAVP update as of 11/20/15:  Lower level floor concrete floor has been completed.  Steel supports, concrete core deck installed and 3” concrete floor poured on that, which is the floor for second level.  Steel for stairwells is scheduled for delivery, other steel and exterior walls also scheduled for delivery.  For those that are in warmer climates, we have been under a week of rain, strong wind and now winter snow warnings, so some work has come to a temporary halt.

Ted Lanske 319-240-0734 tedsph98@aol.com

Ted Lanske

*This past month, we have lost two wonderful gentlemen, Veterans, family men, and community members.  It was my pleasure to share time with them being involved in Veteran’s activities, but even better when we could just sit and visit, sharing our experiences and family stories.  I wish to express to the families of Harold Lindeman and Harry Janssen; my prayers and God’s Blessings to all of you and know they left our world just a little better.

*I express my “Thanks” to all that attended our membership dinners, both the Men and the Ladies.  Your support is extremely important at this time as we prepare in the next 12 months to move into our new facility.  I realize and understand that some individuals are disappointed that more information is not provided, but we are trying our best at providing information in pictures on the web sites, slide show presentation on the one TV and occasionally with the Table talk/Latest News pieces I write.  I spend on an average, between 20-30 hours per week volunteering as custodian/maintenance at the Post or meetings/writing/etc. and like some of you, exasperated that things are not progressing faster.  Let me assure you, that there are other members on the board that put more hours than that into this project and will continue to do so.  BUT:  the WAVP is now under construction, progress is being made and we are at a point that the involvement of ALL our organizations and supporters are needed.  Do you have a vision of what the WAVP could be doing; for Veterans, for our community, for our schools, or something outside the box, please contact me, James Brandau or Carl Benning.  Ideas without leadership are like a ship without a Captain, going nowhere.  WE NEED YOU.

*My thanks to everyone that came to the Veterans Day activities at the Centre’,  the volunteers, Bremer County VA, WAVP Honor Guard, Speaker Carl Benning and the biggest THANKS to Jim Vowels and the WSR Band.  AMVETS will not be the coordinator for Veterans Day 2016, but I would hope that it will be in the new facility and we pack the place.  With vision, volunteers and a “Captain”, Veterans Day 2016 should be one for the history books.

*REMINDER:  2016 memberships are due for all, so please renew now and if you were a past social member, stop at the Canteen and renew as a 2016 WAVP Patriot Supporter.  Many of our past social were and are more supportive of the WAVP than some of our Veterans and I accept and appreciate that.

*Christmas season and holidays are upon us, and if you are looking for a special long lasting gift for a young Veteran, think of a Tribute brick recognizing his service.  Are you thinking of a year-end donation, then add to your pledge or make another donation to the WAVP.  YUCK, but tax time is just around the corner.

*From my Family; we wish all of you a “Merry Christmas”, “Happy Holidays” and safe journeys.  Try making someone’s holiday just a little better by:  adding something to the Auxiliary’s box at the Canteen, a toy in “A toy for tots box”, if your church has a giving or gift tree, donation to Bremer County VA for Veterans or homeless shelter, or loose change in a red kettle.  We still live in the greatest country in the world and the generosity of Americans when a disaster strikes elsewhere is proof of that.  Sometimes the greatest gift you can give is your time; visit a sick or home bound friend, help or assist someone to church, volunteer someplace or complete the phone call you have been thinking about for the last year.  Truthfully, I need to take some of my own suggestions.  May God Bless all of you.


Help AMVETS Help Veterans