Tag Archives: marine corps veterans
Commanders Call – May 2017
*I wish there was space and time to “Thank” everyone that has supported our activities during the many years I have served as Post Commander, State Commander and various other positions. The list is long and many over the years are no longer present, but had an influence on my life. I truly appreciate those of you that have sat with me or allowed me to sit with you as we shared thoughts on various aspects of our Veteran’s organizations. Friendly disagreement adds to the strength of a healthy organization and should never be put down, and an honest response is invaluable to maintaining integrity. It is far better to state “I don’t know or have the answer, but will find out and get back to you”, then trying to live on B.S. or lies. I may not always have been successful, but as Commander, I have tried to be open to everyone’s opinion, but many times have supported what I felt was best for AMVETS at that time.
*REMINDER: The election of Officers for 2017-18 will take place May 10th, with the meeting starting at 1900 or 7:00 p.m. This is a terrific opportunity to become involved, showing support for Veterans with very little time involved. If you have questions, I am willing to have coffee with you and discuss it.
*The VFW has the responsibility of promoting Waverly’s Memorial Day activities, but ask all of you to support the day’s activities along with our neighboring communities. Reminding you now, that the parade route will be different with the closure of 1st St and Bremer Ave. NW.
*Cedar Falls AMVETS Post 49 is hosting the “Vietnam Traveling Wall” from May 17-May 21. Volunteers are still needed and if interested:
Volunteer to help at The Wall That Heals
Follow the directions below:
Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page: http://signup.com/go/KCx7jF
2. Enter your email address
3. Sign up! Choose your spots
If you are having trouble, email Donita Krueger at donitakrueger@gmail.com and she will send you a link, or
there is a sign up sheet at AMVETS Post 49
*As we look forward into May, let us remember; school will be coming to an end and sidewalks will be full of young bicyclists and children with no thought of danger. It is up to us to slow down, be more vigilant (especially with the construction areas) and protect them. If you have children or grandchildren, try to instill the reasoning of wearing a helmet and awareness of their surroundings. The same should be said of water activities. It is so heartbreaking to hear or read of a young child drowning in a farm pond or hit at an intersection. We all need to be more aware of what and where we are and less time worrying about the chirping cell phone. I wish all of you a truly SAFE and WONDERFUL SUMMER.
Help AMVETS Help Veterans
Commanders Call – March 2017
*I would like to express my condolences to family and friends of Eugene (Gene) Gaulke (AMVETS)-D.- February 2, 2017 and Norma Briner (Auxiliary)- D.- January 23, 2017. Gene always had a twinkle in his eyes and heartwarming smile and just enough mischief to keep things interesting. Norma was a dedicated Auxiliary member and contributed what she could until her health limited those abilities. May we all hold them in our hearts, prayers and memories.
*I would like to remember and express condolences to Jim Lahr’s and Ruth Rosol’s family and their friends. Although not Post 79 members, they were Post 79 family and through the years supported our activities. I am thankful they shared a portion of their lives with me and proud to call them friends.
*To Cyndi and Lyman Campbell, on the passing of Cyndi’s Mother, Barbara (Bobbi) (Ecker) Blatchford. Bobbi was well known and Ecker’s Nursery was generous over the years to many community activities including AMVETS. May we also keep Cyndi and the Ecker family in our prayers and share the memories with others.
*On a lighter side: the weather has been un-winter like, but let’s not be fooled because we still have March Madness, which could be sports or snow. The good news is that spring is not far away and the days are noticeably longer, so please stay safe, watch the weather, and get the grill ready.
*Department of Iowa Scholarship forms were dropped off at the high school, but they are accessible on line: http://www.amvetsiowa.org/News-.html and scroll down to a pdf for scholarship 2016-17. National AMVETS also has scholarships, forms accessible through National web site.
*My newsletter for March is shorter than most newsletters, and now looking at two more (April/May) to complete my term. Minus the few months I missed, that adds up to approximately 135 newsletters. Thank you again to everyone who has ever made a comment regarding the newsletter.
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*From Carl Benning, WAVP Board and Post 79 Finance Officer for the newsletter:
- Since we are spending over $1700 each year on the mailing of the newsletter, please consider giving us your e-mail address (you can drop it off at WAVP and designate it for the AMVETS newsletter, or enter your address on the front page of this site). This will allow us more dollars that we can use for veterans’ services.
- There are over 180 AMVETS members in our local Post 79; however, only about 10 are present at the monthly meetings. Pretty Sad!! Decisions are made at these meetings; we would like more input and involvement from all members. We meet the second Wednesday of each month at 7 pm. This is YOUR organization!!
- We are looking for more activities to keep our members active. Any suggestions? If you are willing to help with any activity, let us know.
- Election of officers is around the corner; the “old slate” is getting tired! Please consider volunteering for any office.
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Help AMVETS Help Veterans
Commanders Call – February 2017
*First I would like to congratulate Mary Steinbach for a successful recognition dinner and thanks go out to everyone who helped set up, take down and clean up the hall. Many thanks also to those that donated food items, worked in the kitchen and just let Mary know, “we appreciate her”. I want to add a personal “thank you” to Sandy K. Dietz, Patty Kaiser, and Sally O’hare for the tasty chili and kitchen help on Sunday. I heard so many positive remarks on the facility from our visitors that came from all over the state.
*That said: AMVETS is considering holding their State Convention here in 2018. In order for this to run smoothly and effective, several items regarding staffing, hours, accessibility, and a few minor details will have to be addressed. This again is an activity that brings people from all over the State and frequently National Officers from “anyplace USA”, hoping these items can be addressed.
*Reminder to all: AMVETS meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month (7:00 PM), AMVETS Auxiliary meets the 3rd Wednesday (7:00 PM) and the Sons are working on scheduling a monthly meeting. These meetings are there for YOU. Several people have commented or had questions for me that I do not have answers for, and this is YOUR opportunity to present them to AMVETS WAVP board members. The floor is always open for honest discussions and questions and your concerns are probably shared by more than just you. Nobody can fix or address items that they don’t know about, so come to a meeting, or write them in a signed letter and present them.
*The box of items collected for the Iowa Veterans Home was delivered the first Friday in January and was greatly appreciated. Thanks to ALL that donated, whether large, small, many or one item, they will get used.
*Please check the calendar, facebook (Amvets Post 79), website (www.amvets79.us) for February updates on a regular basis. Items of interest right now: Super Bowl Sunday activities, Valentine’s Day, plus meetings and meals.
*REMINDER: The countdown continues towards Post elections, and if you are interested in getting involved, either a little or straight to the top, come to the meeting in February. Due to a commitment at the Iowa Veterans Home followed with a visit to the Iowa City VA Hospital, I will not be present at February’s meeting, so a great time to express yourself. I have commented before, but in case you missed it, “I will not continue as Post Commander and it is time for young ideas”.
*I would like to express my “Thanks” again for the support over the last seven years and may all of you stay safe. I am saddened to hear that several of our AMVETS family have had encounters with the ice, some serious and some just “oh sh_t”. No matter what the encounter, it hurts and our prayers go out to those more serious. Please let us know how you are doing or if some help is needed.
Help AMVETS Help Veterans
Commanders Call – January 2017
*SECOND NOTICE: In January (14&15), the AMVETS State Executive Committee meeting will be held here in Waverly and our own, Mary Steinbach will have her recognition dinner as Department of Iowa AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary President. If asked to help, assist, ideas, or even a “Thanks MJ”, please step forward and show your appreciation.
*Mary Steinbach (MJ) has done a lot for our Post and for Veterans over the years. MJ has kept this newsletter and mailings going for over 10 years, she also is the one that puts our calendar together, volunteers when time permits at the Veterans Home and Post 79 activities along with holding down a full time job. I am personally asking our Post 79 family to share in the recognition of MJ in whatever manner you can. Contact myself or Jean Lanske if you have questions, contact Kathiee Pitt for Dinner reservations. Dinner reservation deadline is December 30, 2016. Thank you in advance.
*Our membership year for our AMVETS family is coming to an end December 31st and along with that will come a review of our newsletter mailing. It costs the AMVETS $10.00 per year for each mailing and even a little more for those that move and do not notify us. I believe our newsletter/calendar is important and is one reason we continue to maintain the largest combined membership of the local VSO’s. We will continue our mailings, BUT, only to those that qualify in some manner to receive them. This could be as a Post 79 AMVET, AUX. or Sons, Patriot Supporter whose dues cover the cost, or a donation of $10.00 and request submitted. This will be thoroughly looked at in January and some people will be removed from the list.
*Following are a few updates regarding items being considered by the WAVP board at my request. Please consider what is being asked and be willing to step forward.
*Tribute Note: Thanks to all who purchased bricks in the past; we are presently “caught up” on all installations. We have had inquiries regarding additional brick purchases. Applications can be downloaded from www.waverlyvets.us, the AMVETS Website or call Carl Benning (352-3012) or Ted Lanske (240-0734). WAVP will be taking over record-keeping, orders, and placement after January 1, 2017. If you wish to assist in anyway, we are always looking for volunteers.
*WAVP Update: We now have a limited sandwich and side order menu on weekdays (except Thursdays) from 5-7 pm. Plans for the grill room are being formulated; hope to be operational by late January. The deck plans are also being made; however, construction will begin next spring when the weather is more conducive. There are several continuing projects; please let us know if you are willing to assist with interior decorating, displaying of memorabilia, making display cases, organizing a small library, etc.
*FISH FRY: Plans are “in the works”!! There is one thing definite: they will not happen automatically! Many hands are needed to make this work!! Please consider volunteering a little time and effort for these to be successful. We hope to begin in February.
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*From your Commander: my family wishes all of you; a Great New Year, Stay Safe, Have Fun, Hug someone, and share a story, but most of all, KNOW YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO US. YOU ARE OUR FAMILY and I am so glad that we can share a laugh or two.
Help AMVETS Help Veterans
Commanders Call – December 2016
This is a personal “Thank You” to: LornaRae Power, Mary Hatala, Sandra Black, Cynthia Haack for all the volunteer hours, phone calls, contacts and everything else that went into preparations for Veterans Day activities. These four ladies did the lion’s share of the work that went into this day. I want to express my thanks also to those that cut hair, massages, blood pressure checks, flu shots, provided coffee, snacks and food for the day. Thanks also to Rolings for T-shirts, Eckers for floral displays, and so many others. I want all of you to KNOW and REALIZE, this is put on by Volunteers, who want to show their support for Veterans. Since this was their first in the new facility, they are already looking how to improve and make changes for next year. God Bless them and everyone involved.
*December is here, along with the hustle and bustle of shopping, traveling, plus many other things to occupy our minds. PLEASE; ensure your vehicles are kept locked while shopping, gifts locked in the trunk out of sight if possible, watch for excited young children bundled up with no thoughts of safety, and be observant of those around you. Report suspicious activities to store managers, jot down a license plate number if needed, this is the season of giving and possibly giving someone a safe Christmas, could be the greatest gift ever.
*FIRST NOTICE: In January (14&15), the AMVETS State Executive Committee meeting will be held here in Waverly and our own, Mary Steinbach will have her recognition dinner as Department of Iowa AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary President. If asked to help, assist, ideas, or even a “Thanks MJ”, please step forward and show your appreciation.
*Thankfully the elections are over, but if you check the news, already a Senator (D) has expressed a desire to run in 2020. PLEASE, say it ain’t so. – – – – – – I know that is not proper grammar, but it expresses my feelings better. Win or lose, democrat or republican, the only way we can fix what is wrong, is: WE NEED TO START WORKING TOGETHER. If we could pull the plug on every news network, I think 80% of our problems disappear. Ooops, personal comment-sorry
*At our November Post 79 meeting, I announced the following: “I have served as Post 79 Commander during the following periods; (92-93,93-94), (2001-02,02-03,03-04),(2010-present), which is a total of 12 years”. “We now have the new facility, with a young and energetic manager, who needs the support of new and fresh ideas, and AMVETS needs to follow or lead in that direction”. “In the past 20plus years I have been an AMVET, I lost count of the times I’ve heard, we don’t do that or that won’t work; and I certainly do not want to hear myself make these statements, therefore, I will not continue serving as Post Commander after elections in May, but will support the new Commander”. I do appreciate all of you that waited with me, served with me, and supported me over those 12 years, especially the last 7. Thank You.
*To ALL: My family wishes everyone a: Very Merry Christmas and safe Holidays. I am not sure of what Holiday activities may be going on at the Post, but check for updates, come down and share some cheer and be wise on your adult beverages. Gail is doing a super job in the kitchen, and let everyone know that there is a small but excellent menu available.
*Put Christ back in your hearts and our men and women serving this country in your prayers. As we enter December, amongst that hustle and bustle, remember: Dec. 7, 1941 the attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 16, 1944 Glenn Miller disappeared over the English Channel, Dec 16, 1944 The Battle of the Bulge began, Dec. 21, 1972 East and West Germany established diplomatic ties.
Help AMVETS Help Veterans
Commanders Call – November 2016
*I would like to express my condolences to the family and friends of Wayne Platte. Not mentioned in his obituary; Wayne had been a member of AMVETS Post 79 and a regular for several years, sharing stories, laughter and enjoying life. On the occasions that we would have music, you would find Wayne on the dance floor, truly having a great time. I will remember that twinkle in his eye and know there was a hint of mischief in the air. Rest in peace and Thank You for serving our country.
*Although they were not members; but have family that are a part of our AMVETS family, I would like to offer my condolences to the families of Virgil Fasse and Roberta Ramker. Please know that we understand the loss you feel and are willing to provide support, shoulder or a hug if needed.
*Due to scheduling conflicts, this newsletter is being written early, so if something is missed, please understand it was not intentional.
*Will provide an update or evaluation of how our combined AMVETS Membership dinner went, in the December newsletter, and would ask for input from those that attended.
*I want to THANK everyone that is friends on facebook Amvets Post 79 and has “share” or “like” our various pages. We reached a high during the week of October 2-9 of over 1400 hits, which I think is amazing. President Mary Steinbach and I would hope that more of you would “share” and “like”, plus “invite” friends to our activities on facebook or share www.amvets79.us . You may wonder “why should I care or take the time?”; so will provide two quick stories. This past year I received phone calls: (1) from Des Moines from the Son in Law of a Veteran being buried in Iowa Falls asking how his Father in Law could receive a Veteran’s funeral, (2) from a Veteran in Oklahoma asking for help regarding accessing a phone number for an AMVETS Post in Norman, OK. Fortunately, in both cases, I was able to assist them, BUT, that is the reach we have with our facebook and website. With the publicity of our new facility and because my name and phone number are available, I would expect questions and hope I can provide answers or direction. A closer to home reason is that the more people we reach during fundraising activities, the increase in participation also increases the dollars raised and the assistance we can provide to others. The ability to help others should be our mission.
*THANKS to everyone that attended, participated, or helped with the Grand Opening. What a great day and everything went so well, it was almost scary. It started with a beautiful day, great breakfast, meaningful program and so many people just sharing the day. Thanks to Hy-Vee for providing the afternoon hotdogs and the busy staff. A great way to start that 1st page, chapter 1, in a new book called WAVP.
* Mark your calendars for November 11th, Veterans Day 2016. There are activities all over the State regarding Veterans Day and Waverly is no different. The Marine Corps League is the VSO responsible for this year’s activities honoring the day at the Waverly Area Veterans Post. Along with that is a host of volunteers providing many services throughout the day. Watch for schedules that will be posted on line, facebook, newspaper and at the Post in the future. Thank you in advance.
*My family would like to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving and hope you make it a family affair. If you are traveling, may your travels be safe and on time. Now that we know the weather is starting to change, please realize patches of ice or frost could appear on the roadways, so give yourself extra time and be vigilant of your surroundings.
Help AMVETS Help Veterans
Commanders Call – October 2016
*An oversight on my part for September’s newsletter was the passing of Herman H Emkes, 84 of Denver, IA. I did not know Herman, but reading his obituary; here was a man that truly served. He served during the Korean War, but more important, spent many years serving Veterans and his community. He was working on a project for a Civil War Memorial at the American Legion Post in Denver. If anyone can find it in their hearts, let’s help complete this for a man who gave so much.
*REPEAT: It is official, on Wednesday, October 19th, AMVETS, AMVETS Auxiliary, Sons will have their annual membership dinner, come and renew that evening. Those that are paid new or renewed members are invited to participate, all life members are also welcome, but a small donation would be appreciated. There will be a social hour of 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm, with the meal starting at 6:30. The menu and buffet style has worked well and believe it should work for this also. The AMVETS/Sons will have their usual raffles going on, and hopefully have a great time and enjoyable evening.
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The calendar year 2017 annual donation is $40.00, which will allow most privileges, except a vote, regarding Veteran affairs. There may be other benefits to be announced in the future.
These donations will be payable to WAVP, and may be given to any WAVP Board member or to any bartender. This list will be maintained by the General Manager.
A paid “Patriot Supporter” may attend a membership dinner of their choice. The Veteran organization hosting any “Patriot Supporter” will be reimbursed for meal ($10.00) by WAVP.
Subsequent annual donations will be determined by WAVP; the amount will be equal to, or greater than, the level of dues for any member Veteran organization.
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Water, water, every where,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, every where,
Nor any drop to drink.
Will be honest, I am getting tired of the word “Cedar”, especially when used with river. Thanks go out to hundreds of people, young and old, from all over the country, for once again working their butts off helping those affected by the recent flooding. If we were in the old AMVETS Post 79; water would have been in that building again. Enough said.
*Please Note: AMVETS will not have a meeting in October due to our membership dinner. Hope all of you have October 8th , Grand Opening, marked on your calendar. AMVETS State Exec. Committee will meet October 22 and 23 in Cedar Falls at Post 49.
Help AMVETS Help Veterans
Commanders Call – August 2016
*First, I wish to say “Welcome” to Sara Stephens, our new WAVP Manager. May we all welcome her and do what we can to make the job easier. There will be a huge learning curve as she needs to learn the building, the operations, equipment and the people. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself more than once or introduce a friend. Thank you in advance.
*Bob O’hare is now officially my replacement on the WAVP board along with Carl Benning and James Brandau for AMVETS. Effective August 1st, Jean and I will no longer be volunteering to clean the club on a daily basis, or ensure garbage is out on Tuesday, recycling and redemption completed. We have done this for 1-1/2 years now and feel that with paid staff on board, we have done our part. We want to thank Bob & Sally O’hare for filling in when we had other commitments.
*The goal ?? is that the new facility be open about the middle of August, with set up, licenses, inspections, occupancy permits all in place before the end of August. There is a considerable amount of tables, chairs, some equipment, kitchen supplies and operating supplies that will need to be moved efficiently and quickly. Please note and review the letter from WAVP 1st Vice Carl Benning after my newsletter for more information.
*September will have a busy schedule with big plans for the Iowa firefighters in town and I truly hope everything works out. It will be a huge test for all Veterans groups involved. Again, several of you have stated to me that you are willing to help, and I ask “If this is still true, let Sara or someone on the food committee know”.
*August 31st ends AMVETS membership year for 2015-16 and we start 2016-17, so please renew as quickly as you can. Please note, that this year with the new facility, we will have a combined membership dinner. The hall will be divided with the curtain, with men on one side, ladies on the other and share the same menu. This will save the men and ladies some money, and may allow some that can’t participate normally that chance. The plan at this writing is, it will be scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday in October, which also allows some leftovers to be utilized for the Thursday food night. If you wish to make comments about this, please contact me or an Officer of AMVETS or Auxiliary.
*As this chapter of our building campaign comes to a close and we start the next chapter in the new facility, please review where you stand with your pledges. Many people have made pledges that have not been fulfilled, others have stated “when I see the new building”, and others could easily increase the amount or extend their pledge for additional time and money. FOLKS, the building is here, easily visible from the street or river, and looks fantastic. This is YOUR building, be proud but we still need some financial help. The deck is one item that has been put on hold for now, but visit the building and imagine having a beverage of your choice, sitting on the deck with a view of the river.
*My condolences and thanks to Marvin Behrens: Condolences on the loss of his wife this past June after a hard fought battle. Eileen was active in the local Legion post and other community organizations. My thanks to Marv for his generous donation of $350.00 to help fix and beautify the flat trailer used during Memorial day and recently in the Heritage Days parade. Bless you Marvin.
*Help AMVETS help Veterans
WAVP Facility Update from Vice Chairman Carl Benning
Circle your calendars! A Grand Opening has been set for October 8 at 11 am!
The new facility is nearing completion. Dry Wall installation is finished, most kitchenequipment is in (still needs final hookup), painting is being completed, the south parking lot is 75% completed, the north lot should be completed in the next week or two, Carpet installation will begin next week, bathrooms are tiled (fixtures are being installed), and fiber optic is being run throughout the building.
A few things remain: installation of natural gas by Mid-America, painting of exterior steel doors, handing wood ulterior doors, countertops for the bar and kitchen, installation of the divider curtain, and a zillion little details. The final task will be a major cleaning!
We are planning a couple events to coincide with the State Firemen’s Convention the first week in September, which will require us to be “up and going.” This dictates that the “move” to begin the second week in August. We will need many, many, many hands to accomplish this task. Several enclosed trailers will make the move easier; let Board members know if you are aware of any.
This is what all of us have been looking forward to for several years! Stay tuned for opportunities to help out with moving. Please, we need your assistance!
Although the project remains within budget, the construction costs continue. If you have pledges that have not yet been fulfilled, please consider those cash payments. If your pledges have been completed, would you consider additional gifts (many already have done so). To date, we have over 850 donor units; however, there is still opportunity for more to be recognized on the Wall of Honor before the grand opening.
The Board of Directors, past and future veterans, and many community members thank everyone who has made a donation of any kind to this project. If you have not yet made a contribution, thoughtfully consider a gift to help make this facility “debt-free!”
Commanders Call – April 2016
*Spring is here and this being Iowa, add a few thoughts to the list (speed limit, seat belt, etc.) when you are driving. Children running, bicycles, skateboards and other outside activities where safety is the last thing in a young mind, probably some older minds too, so please, become observant when driving. It is also the time where we share the roads and highways with farm equipment that is slow moving and seem to appear out of nowhere. Please add a few minutes to your travel time, don’t reach for another sip of coffee or Mountain Dew; keep your eyes alert and your mindset on driving.
*Update on the WAVP: Project is progressing rapidly inside the building, with electrical, plumbing, duct work, and H/AC in different stages of completion. Windows are in, ceiling grid work and insulation being installed. A Grand Opening date is set for October 8th 2016 at 1200 hrs after the breakfast. The opening date will be prior to the Grand Opening with several guesses and estimates as to an actual date, and I will try to keep you informed as more reliable and updated construction information becomes available.
*As the opening date approaches, the Board and Committees are looking for involvement from everyone and anyone that has ideas of activities or time to volunteer at the new facility. This will be a work in progress as time moves on as some ideas may not work or may need adjustments. Please contact any of our AMVETS Board Members with your input or questions.
*We have our AMVETS Auxiliary along with the Sons looking ahead to the Heritage Days activities coming up July 15-17. In the last few years, these subordinate groups have been the only organizations involved in the actual parade and thoughts have been to broaden this into a WAVP experience. If anyone has ideas or suggestions in regards to this, please contact me, either by phone or email.
*Please check the upcoming calendars, as AMVETS will continue a monthly steak fry, normally the 1st or 2nd Saturday of the month. As of now, these are scheduled into the month of August, to be held at the present location (Legion Post). Check out the Auxiliary’s Thursday food night schedule on the calendar too.
*In another month, AMVETS and subordinates will be selecting or electing Officers for 2016-17. We need some people to step up and be willing to give a few hours of their time each month. I promise, you will not be thrown under the truck, but it is crucial that some offices be filled. Unless someone asks to be Post Commander; you are going to be stuck with me for now. It was suggested that representation in regards to the WAVP remain as “status quo”; so therefore again, no changes are planned. That said; any active member is entitled and encouraged to attend and participate at the meetings. The more people involved equals more and better ideas for the future.
*If anyone, AMVETS, Auxiliary, Sons, or Supporter would be interested in serving or helping in some manner when the new WAVP facility becomes operational, please contact me. This facility was designed and built to be active, and your help is needed. HOW CAN WE MAKE AND KEEP IT ACTIVE? Maybe you have ideas, contacts or experience we could use. Ex. “Do you have the ability to teach people how to face book or email?”, “Teaching quilting?”, or some other skill or interest.
*AMVETS and Veterans lost a great supporter with the passing of Duane Liddle. Duane may not have served in the military, but he certainly served this community by being a watchdog of our City Council. We may not have agreed with him 100%, but no one came to the meetings more prepared and that includes the City staff. Thank you Duane.
*Last item: Thank you Wanda/Carl Benning and Jean Lanske for their involvement and volunteer time with the Foreign Food Fair at the Marshalltown Iowa Veterans Home. A chance to appreciate how hard the staff and volunteers work to make this such an outstanding facility.
*Scholarship applications are available at the High School, which are presented by AMVETS, Auxiliary and Sons. Otherwise contact me and I will get them or direct you to the appropriate contact.
Help AMVETS help Veterans