Tag Archives: IVH Marshalltown

Commanders Call – January 2017

Ted Lanske

*SECOND NOTICE: In January (14&15), the AMVETS State Executive Committee meeting will be held here in Waverly and our own, Mary Steinbach will have her recognition dinner as Department of Iowa AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary President. If asked to help, assist, ideas, or even a “Thanks MJ”, please step forward and show your appreciation.
*Mary Steinbach (MJ) has done a lot for our Post and for Veterans over the years. MJ has kept this newsletter and mailings going for over 10 years, she also is the one that puts our calendar together, volunteers when time permits at the Veterans Home and Post 79 activities along with holding down a full time job. I am personally asking our Post 79 family to share in the recognition of MJ in whatever manner you can. Contact myself or Jean Lanske if you have questions, contact Kathiee Pitt for Dinner reservations. Dinner reservation deadline is December 30, 2016. Thank you in advance.
*Our membership year for our AMVETS family is coming to an end December 31st and along with that will come a review of our newsletter mailing. It costs the AMVETS $10.00 per year for each mailing and even a little more for those that move and do not notify us. I believe our newsletter/calendar is important and is one reason we continue to maintain the largest combined membership of the local VSO’s. We will continue our mailings, BUT, only to those that qualify in some manner to receive them. This could be as a Post 79 AMVET, AUX. or Sons, Patriot Supporter whose dues cover the cost, or a donation of $10.00 and request submitted. This will be thoroughly looked at in January and some people will be removed from the list.
*Following are a few updates regarding items being considered by the WAVP board at my request. Please consider what is being asked and be willing to step forward.
*Tribute Note: Thanks to all who purchased bricks in the past; we are presently “caught up” on all installations. We have had inquiries regarding additional brick purchases. Applications can be downloaded from www.waverlyvets.us, the AMVETS Website or call Carl Benning (352-3012) or Ted Lanske (240-0734). WAVP will be taking over record-keeping, orders, and placement after January 1, 2017. If you wish to assist in anyway, we are always looking for volunteers.

*WAVP Update: We now have a limited sandwich and side order menu on weekdays (except Thursdays) from 5-7 pm. Plans for the grill room are being formulated; hope to be operational by late January. The deck plans are also being made; however, construction will begin next spring when the weather is more conducive. There are several continuing projects; please let us know if you are willing to assist with interior decorating, displaying of memorabilia, making display cases, organizing a small library, etc.

*FISH FRY: Plans are “in the works”!! There is one thing definite: they will not happen automatically! Many hands are needed to make this work!! Please consider volunteering a little time and effort for these to be successful. We hope to begin in February.
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*From your Commander: my family wishes all of you; a Great New Year, Stay Safe, Have Fun, Hug someone, and share a story, but most of all, KNOW YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO US. YOU ARE OUR FAMILY and I am so glad that we can share a laugh or two.

Help AMVETS Help Veterans

Commanders Call – May 2015

Ted Lanske 319-240-0734 tedsph98@aol.com

Ted Lanske

*Hard to believe that we are already 5 months into the year and I’m just getting used to writing 2015.  It is nice to see the yards and trees coming to life and fields being planted.  Reminds me, why I love living in this part of the country.

*Need to pass on a few more THANK YOU’S before I forget.  To Steve & Judy Strotman-48” TV, Jerry Woodin-TV bracket & vacuum cleaner, Larry Williamson-smaller wine glasses, Bruce & Bonnie Buhrow-cash to purchase accessories for Canteen.  These are greatly appreciated and allows the Canteen to look more professional.  When we opened, although the size (quantity) was equal, there were 5 different designs or shapes, limited numbers of each and (my opinion) gave an appearance of cheapness.  THANKS again to everyone that has donated time, money, labor and support.

*Want to also say “Thank you” to everyone that attended the ground breaking and stood outside in the wind.  A special “Thanks”: to Michael Kukral for heading this up and leading the delegation, to the News outlets for the excellent coverage, Mayor Infelt and Major General Hultman.  You may view pictures or information on this event by accessing the following; www.amvets79.us     www.waverlyvets.us      http://wcfcourier.com/  www.kwwl.com   www.communitynewspapergroup.com/waverly_newspapers/        and do a little hunting.  Some pictures are posted at the Canteen, so stop by and visit with us.

*Progress is being made on getting the Thursday food nights going again and the “pot luck”, better known as Hors d’oeuvres night.  On Hors d’oeuvres night, bring a simple dish, salad, dessert, or a favorite recipe and share the evening.  If you forget a dish, don’t worry, there is normally enough for a few extra people.  Efforts are being made to bring back steaks and fish fries, but understand that these all take volunteers.  Suggestions, advice and comments are appreciated, but appreciated more is when someone asks, “Is there something I can help with?” and then shows up when asked.  If you are willing to make some desserts, such as bars, cakes, cookies, rolls, etc., please call 319-352-3830 or give your name & number to the bartender.

*We have been approved to have our liquor license include outside sales, which will allow us to cordon off an area (northwest corner of parking), place 1 or 2 picnic tables and allow alcohol in that area.  No drinks will be allowed outside that area and you will have to come inside, to the canteen for service.  This is one of several steps moving forward towards steaks or fish fries.  With this endeavor, we will need your cooperation, self-policing and being a good neighbor.  Not finalized, but drinks outside may be limited to plastic cups, so learn the song “Red Solo Cup”.  Red solo cup, I fill you up   let’s have a party, let’s have a party   I love you red solo cup, I lift you up    proceed to party, proceed to party

*At this time, it was the consensus of the AMVETS Officers present at Aprils meeting, that all Officers will continue in their positions as we go through this transition period.  This means you will be stuck with me as your Commander for at least another year, UNLESS, one of you steps forward, comes to May’s meeting and asks for this position or another.  To any and all AMVETS of Post 79, please think about coming to the meeting in May, if nothing else, but to meet and thank the Officers.  This is also true for the Auxiliary and Sons; these individuals that volunteer their time need a show of support and thanks, because that is all they will receive.

*Reminder:  Our 2014-15 AMVETS membership year ends August 31st, therefore renewal notices will be in the mail.  National realized the stupidity of the stickers, so the new cards will be plastic again.  If you wish to renew on line when the renewal arrives, that is not a problem.  Although not confirmed, the AMVETS membership dinner is being planned for October 14th.  Reasons: the days are longer, weather is better, snow birds should still be roosting in Waverly, and the Auxiliaries dinner will be the following week, which should save us some money.

*OPERATION DONATION tickets are for sale at the Canteen.  If you are at the Canteen, ask the bartender and help support AMVETS and our Scholarship program plus other activities.

*There is a computer at the Canteen that is available for use.  If you are one of those that has never used one, visited facebook, searched the internet, or had a chance to just check it out, then stop by and let us help you take a look.  It is still in the early stages, but hopefully items of interest and information will be made available on this computer.  The Canteen has Wi Fi accessible, you just need to get the password from the bartender.  Please realize this is a public place and be careful of what you are doing.

*Flags are for sale at the Canteen.  Flag sales are now through the WAVP, as all Posts have sold their flags to the WAVP and are not competing with each other.  If you wish something special or different, please contact me, as I failed to step back with the others and was out front when a volunteer was requested.

*AMVETS is hosting the Memorial activities, but understand, that each and every Waverly organization is an important part of this day.  As host of these activities, AMVETS, Sons and Auxiliary will also be hosting lunch and fellowship at the Canteen following the ceremonies.  Please volunteer to assist in some manner.  Only one item of change to note, is that Flanders Field will be scheduled for the Thursday before Memorial day along with the small grave flags.  An events program will be published separately from the newsletter

Help AMVETS Help Veterans