Tag Archives: Iowa State Fair

Veteran’s Day at Iowa State Fair

Would like to share some pictures and some analytic information with those that visit this web site on a more than once a month occasion.  On Friday, August 14, 2014 at 0900,  our web site already had: 16 visitors and 61 page reviews, visitors from Virginia, Washington, Canada, Netherlands and Germany.  This means that our little Post is just not a dot in the State of Iowa, but is being visited via the internet world wide.

Dave Farran & Leonard Hill with Submarine Veterans before parade at Iowa State Fair.

Dave Farran & Leonard Hill with Submarine Veterans before parade at Iowa State Fair.

POW*MIA group represented in Veteran's parade-Iowa State Fair.

POW*MIA group represented in Veteran’s parade-Iowa State Fair.

Jean Lanske with Past Department President Karen Ann Miller

Jean Lanske with Past Department President Karen
Ann Miller-Iowa State Fair







The Veteran’s Parade at the Iowa State Fair is normally scheduled for the first Monday of the fair.  I would hope that this is something that under “Waverly Area Veterans Post” banner, we could look at participating in next year.  It is a great experience and a chance to visit with other Veterans from Iowa.