Tag Archives: Iowa AMVETS

Commander’s Call – September 2015

Ted Lanske 319-240-0734 tedsph98@aol.com

Ted Lanske

*National news:  Kathy Berning, Cedar Falls Post 49 Auxiliary member was elected to the position of AMVETS Auxiliary National President.  Kathy has been involved in AMVETS formany years, serving at the Post, Department and National level prior to her election as President.  Although her duties as President will keep her busy, our hope would be to have her visit our Post and allow us to congratulate her and wish her well.

*Membership:  The men’s membership dinner will be held October 14th and the ladies will be held October 21st.  The men’s dinner has been moved for several reasons; one is the continuous conflict with Veterans Day, second is the unpredictable weather in November and much shorter day light hours, another is the departure of some to warmer temperatures and last, is that by spacing them a week apart, the possibility of saving some money.  So mark your calendars now for these dates:  October 14th and October 21st.  The new cards are here and will be handed out at our dinner.  If you are traveling and wish it sooner, please contact me or Carl Benning and it will be mailed to you.  At present, AMVETS is the only organization actively doing a monthly mailing, so if someone asks about what’s going on; either they need to visit the Canteen or check out AMVETS.

*Post 79 Auxiliary and our community lost one of the warmest and nicest people that I have had the pleasure to call a friend.  Please check our complete newsletter for more information regarding the passing of JoEllen Raap.  My thoughts and prayers to her friends and family;  “Jo, you will be missed.”

*I resist listing names of those that need our healing thoughts and prayers because I will miss somebody.  We have several AMVETS and Auxiliary members that are facing medical challenges, so if you hear of somebody, please call me or the Canteen (319-352-3830) and leave a short message.   We do not need all the details because it is so easy to misrepresent an illness, but healing thoughts and prayers never hurt.

*There are or will be information on several raffles going on at the Canteen.  Our AMVETS Auxiliary has one going on now, that the proceeds will be split between the IVH in Marshalltown and the WAVP.  They will be selling tickets until their membership dinner (October 21st) and there is a total of 8 prizes, which are on display at the Canteen.  I would ask your support of our Auxiliary.

*For those of you on Facebook, some changes have been made to Amvets Ladies Auxiliary Post 79, Waverly, IA.  Please check it out as more information is being posted concerning our whole AMVETS family and also activities in the Cedar Valley.  The more we help promote others, the more they will promote us.  The goal of all our organizations is to help and assist our Veterans, their families and our communities.  Working together should be our agendas, not trying to find fault.

*This month has a few days that either we look forward too (Labor Day); relive exactly where/what we were doing (Patriot Day 9/11); or think of families that are still waiting for answers (POW/MIA Recognition Day 9/18).

*September is a month of change for most people, gardeners and farmers are harvesting or starting, time to squeeze in one more ____________ weekend, put some equipment away while pulling out others, using the BBQ grill as much as possible, and if possible, just sit and enjoy the sunshine.  I hope all of you do just that, STOP   –   TAKE THAT BREAK    –   FORGET WHAT YOU WANT OR THINK YOU NEED TO DO   –   TAKE YOUR PHONE, FIND SOME SUNSHINE AND CALL AN OLD FRIEND OR RELATIVE TO JUST bs.  As Red Skelton said at the end of his shows “Good night and may God bless.”

Help AMVETS Help Veterans

Iowa AMVETS Fall Golf Tournament

Iowa AMVETS Fall Golf Tournament
Grab your clubs and get ready for a great time!  The Iowa AMVETS is holding their Fall Golf tournament on Saturday, September 20 at 10:00 am.  The format is two person best shot, scoring will be flighted and prizes will be given out for special holes.

All members of the AMVETS, Auxiliary, Sons of AMVETS and Riders are welcome.

Pre-registration is required and the tournament will be limited to the first 27 teams who sign up.  Deadline for entry is September 6th.

Cost of the tournament is $40 per person ($80 per team).  Covers greens fee, cart, lunch and prizes.  Mulligans and Tee-ups will be sold.

The entry form can be viewed and printed by clicking this entry form link.  Entry forms must be received by September 6, so please allow time for the US Postal Service delivery.  Mail your entry form with check to:

Evansdale AMVETS
706 Colleen
Evansdale, IA 50707

For more information, contact the Evansdale AMVETS at 319-234-9688

Iowa AMVETS Fall Golf Tournament

three elms golf course logo2

Iowa AMVETS Fall Golf Tournament
Grab your clubs and get ready for a great time!  The Iowa AMVETS is holding their Fall Golf tournament on Saturday, September 20 at 10:00 am.  The format is two person best shot, scoring will be flighted and prizes will be given out for special holes.

All members of the AMVETS, Auxiliary, Sons of AMVETS and Riders are welcome.

Pre-registration is required and the tournament will be limited to the first 27 teams who sign up.  Deadline for entry is September 6th.

Cost of the tournament is $40 per person ($80 per team).  Covers greens fee, cart, lunch and prizes.  Mulligans and Tee-ups will be sold.

The entry form can be viewed and printed by clicking this entry form link.  Entry forms must be received by September 6, so please allow time for the US Postal Service delivery.  Mail your entry form with check to:

Evansdale AMVETS
706 Colleen
Evansdale, IA 50707

For more information, contact the Evansdale AMVETS at 319-234-9688