Tag Archives: Honoring Vets

Honoring Our Veterans-Bartels

Home front1Honoring Our Veterans
Sponsored by:
Eisenach Village, A Bartels’ Community

You are invited to join us as we honor our Veterans with a special event on November 10th. Terry Lindell, our local WWII historian, will present a program entitled “Remembering Pearl Harbor and V for Victory” An overview of how Americans faced the challenges of World War II, illustrated with images of the material culture of the home front, will not only salute our soldiers, but also acknowledge the courageous contributions of the women who stayed behind.

Date: Monday, November 10Home Front3
Time: 4:00 pm
Place: Eisenach Village- Klubhaus
1100 Bach Drive / Waverly, IA
Program: “Remembering Pearl Harbor and V for Victory:
A Look at the WWII Home Front”
Reservation: Call Barb Bridges at 352-6105 by November 3rd.

Light refreshments will be served.