Tag Archives: honor waverly iowa vets

Operation Gratitude, 2014

The following is taken from the Bremer County Veterans Affairs newsletter.  This was a huge success last year and promises to be even better this year.

Post Commander Ted Lanske

Operation Gratitude, 2014

November 11th, Veterans Day, is nearly upon us which also means that Operation: Gratitude, 2014 is well into the planning stages. For those of you new to this email newsletter, Operation: Gratitude began two years ago when Cindy Haack of Advanced Body Work and Massage asked us to be a part of what she hoped would become an annual event of thanking our veterans, active duty service members, Guard, Reserves, and all of their family members. While we didn’t have much time to plan for that event, we took part but saw tremendous potential in the event. Last year, we stepped things up a few notches and both the community and veteran support were amazing! Thousands of dollars in gifts, massages and food were offered, free of charge, to all of the Cedar Valley veterans.

This year, we’re pulling out all the stops and while I don’t want to give away any surprises, it will blow last years event out of the water. Lornarae Power, a BCVA Volunteer, has made the event her own and is going full steam ahead on a TREMENDOUS day of thanking veterans and their active duty, Reserve, and Guard counterparts.

If you would like to help or feel like you would like to contribute to this year’s event, please contact Lornarae directly and she’ll let you know what we’re looking for and how you can help!