Tag Archives: gift

Commanders Call – Oct. 2014

Cmdr_Ted*I wish to thank Auxiliary President Mary Steinbach for allowing me a few minutes to address the future of AMVETS and the Waverly Area Veterans Post.  I truly appreciated the positive response in regards to “food nights” and “menu changes” that will need to be addressed as we set up temporary quarters in the Legion Post.

*Wish to say “Thank you” to the Auxiliary on behalf of Bremer County Veterans for the donation to help support the Van and Bremer County Veterans Affairs.

*Reminder to all: the membership dinners will be here shortly, Women-October 15 and Men-November 12, so mark your calendars, bring a new member (call Jean Lanske 319-269-3371 or me 319-240-0734 if you have a question on qualification), and let’s end 2014 with a great turnout.

*Veterans Day 2014, November 11th will be handled by the American Legion at the Tribute.  The Bremer County Veterans Affairs will be conducting “Operation: Gratitude 2014” on November 11th also that day at the Centre next to True Value.  This is truly becoming a day to say “Thank you for serving”, but (always a but) I hope we do not lose the true importance of this day.  Originally set as “Armistice Day” for November 11, 1919, it marked the end of WWI and major hostilities on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.  So as we enjoy the attention, free breakfast or lunch, the “thank you”, please take time to reflect on the millions of men and women before us that raised their hand and offered their lives for our country.

*Please stop by the bulletin board outside the VFW kitchen and review information posted for the Marshalltown Veterans Home.  You may also check Latest News regarding the Home and Cemetery.  Please contact Jean Lanske or me if you have any questions.

*Much too quick, but it is that time of year when freezing temperatures appear and the possibility of icy roads, patchy frost or fog is common, and frost on the windshields, so plan ahead, be safe and do not become a statistic in the paper.   A “retired plumber” reminder; unhook your garden hoses, check your furnace, and make sure your car is ready for winter.  If you are one of the “snow birds” going south, please let us know or make arrangements for your mail.

*Now that a time table has been set for demolition of the VFW and construction of the WAVP, the time has also come for some to make a decision regarding their involvement.  This past weekend, as I worked on this newsletter, I also reviewed the complete donors/contributors list and somewhat saddened by the names I did not see.  What I want to emphasis is that NO GIFT is too small and will share a short story regarding that.  An individual approached a WAVP member and asked if we really would accept a gift of $1.00.  This person’s spouse has been deceased for more than 20 years and social security is the only income, which leaves nothing for extras but was willing to donate that $1.00.  This person’s name will now be on that Wall of Honor under the PATRIOT listing.  Next year at this time, a major portion of the building should be constructed and donor plaques being finalized with the appropriate listings.  Question: “Will your name or family be represented?”

*History bits for October:  12thAmerican troops enter southern Italy (1943), 14thAthens is liberated (1944), 20thThe first major city of Aachen  Germany falls to US troops (1944), 23rd – The battle of Leyte Gulf begins (1944), 26th – The battle of Santa Cruz begins (1942).

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