Tag Archives: fry

Commanders Call – April 2016

Ted Lanske at Iowa Veterans Cemetery and SUBVETS Tribute

Ted Lanske at Iowa Veterans Cemetery and SUBVETS Tribute

*Spring is here and this being Iowa, add a few thoughts to the list (speed limit, seat belt, etc.) when you are driving.  Children running, bicycles, skateboards and other outside activities where safety is the last thing in a young mind, probably some older minds too, so please, become observant when driving.  It is also the time where we share the roads and highways with farm equipment that is slow moving and seem to appear out of nowhere.  Please add a few minutes to your travel time, don’t reach for another sip of coffee or Mountain Dew; keep your eyes alert and your mindset on driving.

*Update on the WAVP:  Project is progressing rapidly inside the building, with electrical, plumbing, duct work, and H/AC in different stages of completion.  Windows are in, ceiling grid work and insulation being installed.  A Grand Opening date is set for October 8th 2016 at 1200 hrs after the breakfast.   The opening date will be prior to the Grand Opening with several guesses and estimates as to an actual date, and I will try to keep you informed as more reliable and updated construction information becomes available.

*As the opening date approaches, the Board and Committees are looking for involvement from everyone and anyone that has ideas of activities or time to volunteer at the new facility. This will be a work in progress as time moves on as some ideas may not work or may need adjustments.  Please contact any of our AMVETS Board Members with your input or questions.

*We have our AMVETS Auxiliary along with the Sons looking ahead to the Heritage Days activities coming up July 15-17.  In the last few years, these subordinate groups have been the only organizations involved in the actual parade and thoughts have been to broaden this into a WAVP experience.  If anyone has ideas or suggestions in regards to this, please contact me, either by phone or email.

*Please check the upcoming calendars, as AMVETS will continue a monthly steak fry, normally the 1st or 2nd Saturday of the month.  As of now, these are scheduled into the month of August, to be held at the present location (Legion Post).  Check out the Auxiliary’s Thursday food night schedule on the calendar too.

*In another month, AMVETS and subordinates will be selecting or electing Officers for 2016-17.  We need some people to step up and be willing to give a few hours of their time each month.  I promise, you will not be thrown under the truck, but it is crucial that some offices be filled.  Unless someone asks to be Post Commander; you are going to be stuck with me for now.  It was suggested that representation in regards to the WAVP remain as “status quo”; so therefore again, no changes are planned.  That said; any active member is entitled and encouraged to attend and participate at the meetings.  The more people involved equals more and better ideas for the future.

*If anyone, AMVETS, Auxiliary, Sons, or Supporter would be interested in serving or helping in some manner when the new WAVP facility becomes operational, please contact me.  This facility was designed and built to be active, and your help is needed.  HOW CAN WE MAKE AND KEEP IT ACTIVE?  Maybe you have ideas, contacts or experience we could use.  Ex. “Do you have the ability to teach people how to face book or email?”, “Teaching quilting?”, or some other skill or interest.

*AMVETS and Veterans lost a great supporter with the passing of Duane Liddle.  Duane may not have served in the military, but he certainly served this community by being a watchdog of our City Council.  We may not have agreed with him 100%, but no one came to the meetings more prepared and that includes the City staff.  Thank you Duane.

*Last item:  Thank you Wanda/Carl Benning and Jean Lanske for their involvement and volunteer time with the Foreign Food Fair at the Marshalltown Iowa Veterans Home.  A chance to appreciate how hard the staff and volunteers work to make this such an outstanding facility.

*Scholarship applications are available at the High School, which are presented by AMVETS, Auxiliary and Sons.  Otherwise contact me and I will get them or direct you to the appropriate contact.


Help AMVETS help Veterans

Latest News – January 31, 2015


Speaker of the House Darrell B.

Speaker of the House Darrell B.

Vets Day on the Hill, State Capital, Iowa

View from Rotunda, State Capital

I just wanted to share a few pictures  and comments on some activities this past month with our readers.  On  January 14, several Waverly  Veterans were present for Vets Day on the Hill. This is a day set aside for people to ascend  on the State Capitol to visit with their legislative representatives and ask for support for Veterans.


On the House floor with Rep. Sandy Salmon

On the House floor with Rep. Sandy Salmon



AMVETS Steaks at VFW

Last AMVETS steaks at VFW Post

John Behne, Jean Lanske at last steaks

Jean Lanske at last steaks

On January 24, AMVETS hosted the last Saturday steak fry at the VFW Post.  We had a great turnout and wish to thank all those that attended.  Sadly, we were not able to sit everyone when requested, so one couple requested a refund and left the premises.  To those that had the patience and time to wait for seating, a huge thanks.  It was a great way to end our time in the old VFW Post.

Last Sat steaks at the VFW

VFW bar at last steaks


Waverly Light & Power – Christmas Party

Waverly Light and Power Christmas Party

AMVETS Steak Fry – Call for Reservations

Join us at Post 79 for our famous AMVETS Steak Fry!  Your choice of meat grilled to your standards, garlic bread, potato and salad bar for one low price!  Help support your Waverly area veterans and have a great meal all in one great evening!  Orders must be placed by 3pm on Saturday.

Potato and salad comes with your choice of meat, or can be purchased separately:

Sirloin – $12.00
Ribeye – $14.00
T Bone – $16.00
Fillet – $16.00
Pork Chop – $9.00
Chicken Fillet – $9.00
Extra Potato & Salad – $6.00

Christmas Party – Nestle Teamsters Downstairs

Christmas event for the Nestle Teamsters in the main bar area of the VFW

End of Year Steak Fry!

Tonight is your last chance this year to join in our famous AMVETS Steak Fry! Bring your family! Bring your friends! Your choice of meat grilled to your standards, garlic bread, potato and salad bar for one low price! Help support your Waverly area veterans and have a great meal all in one great evening!  Orders must be placed by 3pm on Tuesday, December 30th.

Potato and salad comes with your choice of meat, or can be purchased separately:

Sirloin – $12.00
Ribeye – $14.00
T Bone – $16.00
Fillet – $16.00
Pork Chop – $9.00
Chicken Fillet – $9.00
Extra Potato & Salad – $6.00

Call in Reservations for End of Year Steak Fry – 3pm

Last chance to take part in our Steak Fry this year! Place your reservation for tomorrow’s steak fry by 3pm today!

AMVETS Steak Fry – Call for Reservations by 3PM

Join us at Post 79 for our famous AMVETS Steak Fry! Your choice of meat grilled to your standards, garlic bread, potato and salad bar for one low price! Help support your Waverly area veterans and have a great meal all in one great evening! Orders must be placed by 3pm on Saturday.

Potato and salad comes with your choice of meat, or can be purchased separately:

Sirloin – $12.00
Ribeye – $14.00
T Bone – $16.00
Fillet – $16.00
Pork Chop – $9.00
Chicken Fillet – $9.00
Extra Potato & Salad – $6.00

Bremer County Affairs Team Rubicon Event

Team Rubicon Social Night 7-10pm. All Veterans Welcome!

Marine Corps League Fish Fry

Marine Corps League Fish Fry

What do the Marines and fish have in common? A fish fry!
Grab a friend and head down to the club for the monthly Marine Corps league fish fry! $8.50 at the door gets you fish and a whole lot more!