Tag Archives: Evansdale AMVETS

Iowa AMVETS Fall Golf Tournament

Iowa AMVETS Fall Golf Tournament
Grab your clubs and get ready for a great time!  The Iowa AMVETS is holding their Fall Golf tournament on Saturday, September 20 at 10:00 am.  The format is two person best shot, scoring will be flighted and prizes will be given out for special holes.

All members of the AMVETS, Auxiliary, Sons of AMVETS and Riders are welcome.

Pre-registration is required and the tournament will be limited to the first 27 teams who sign up.  Deadline for entry is September 6th.

Cost of the tournament is $40 per person ($80 per team).  Covers greens fee, cart, lunch and prizes.  Mulligans and Tee-ups will be sold.

The entry form can be viewed and printed by clicking this entry form link.  Entry forms must be received by September 6, so please allow time for the US Postal Service delivery.  Mail your entry form with check to:

Evansdale AMVETS
706 Colleen
Evansdale, IA 50707

For more information, contact the Evansdale AMVETS at 319-234-9688

Iowa AMVETS Fall Golf Tournament

three elms golf course logo2

Iowa AMVETS Fall Golf Tournament
Grab your clubs and get ready for a great time!  The Iowa AMVETS is holding their Fall Golf tournament on Saturday, September 20 at 10:00 am.  The format is two person best shot, scoring will be flighted and prizes will be given out for special holes.

All members of the AMVETS, Auxiliary, Sons of AMVETS and Riders are welcome.

Pre-registration is required and the tournament will be limited to the first 27 teams who sign up.  Deadline for entry is September 6th.

Cost of the tournament is $40 per person ($80 per team).  Covers greens fee, cart, lunch and prizes.  Mulligans and Tee-ups will be sold.

The entry form can be viewed and printed by clicking this entry form link.  Entry forms must be received by September 6, so please allow time for the US Postal Service delivery.  Mail your entry form with check to:

Evansdale AMVETS
706 Colleen
Evansdale, IA 50707

For more information, contact the Evansdale AMVETS at 319-234-9688