Tag Archives: Commander

Commanders Call – Sept. 2014

Cmdr_Ted*I have tried to stay away from Waverly Area Veterans Post (WAVP) activities in my portion of the newsletter, but this month will be the exception.

*This is to everyone, the time has come that critical decisions are being made.  It is no longer a question of if the new WAVP will be built, but when.  This is a proposed schedule for the new facility.

1.  Finalizing contract with Vision Iowa.

2.  Review of site plans, building plans by contractors, suggested changes or adjustments, and bids compared with architect’s proposal.

3. Inventory of equipment and supplies: kitchen, bar, post, storage, including AMVETS, Legion and VFW.

4. A temporary site will be established at the present American Legion Post. 5.         Storage or disposal of equipment, kitchen/bar supplies, furnishings, etc. with help and input from the   Auxiliaries, and Sons of the organizations.

6. Fund raising activities will continue into the future with adjustments made that fit location changes.

7. Removal of any items deemed usable or of value from the VFW facility to start in February 2015.

8. Demolition of present VFW Post to start March 2015.

9.  Construction to start early April 2015.

10. If you have made a pledge and support this project, please give some thought to extending your pledge for another year or two, or increase your pledge to move up in the donation categories. Realize this is the objective, weather, contractor’s schedules, & excavating unknowns all could have an influence on the project, but this is the proposed plan.

*What this means is that our membership dinners will be held at the VFW along with continuing steaks, food nights and our other normal activities until the end of January.  There is a terrific amount of things to do and consider prior to February 1st.  If you are one of those that have positive feelings about this project; which there is a silent majority, please contact one of the board members and express an interest in helping in some manner.

**HELP> If anyone has or knows of someone that has some empty storage area like a garage or barn that could be used during the next year, to help during this construction period, please contact me or Carl Benning.

**TRIBUTE> Please drive by or visit our Waverly Area Veterans Tribute and notice the changes that are taking place there.  The mulch has been replaced with river rock, cedar/arborvitae trees have been trimmed, diseased pin oak cut off, and lawn care.  If you see Tab Ray or Parks staff, please compliment them for these improvements.

*Would ask everyone that utilizes the internet to please visit our web site    http://www.amvets79.us/     and the WAVP   http://www.waverlyvets.us/     and please do this often, like 2-3 times per month or more.  Thanks to all of you that make comments, provide feedback or just visit.  This can only help us to improve upon a project that is now a part of the internet and our future.  Provide these internet addresses to all your relatives, friends and neighbors.

*Fall will be here shortly, with shorter days, harvesting operations, high school sports and many other activities; so again, check your vehicle; lights, brakes, defrosters, etc. but most of all, check yourself.  Give yourself some extra time, be patient and may we all stay safe.

*Update>  Received a phone call from Davey Smith and asked if I would pass this on.  He appreciates the thoughts and prayers, but is feeling better and things are looking up.

History bits for September:  1st – Germany invades Poland, WWII begins (1939), 2nd – Japan formally surrenders, WWII ends (1945), 9th – US troops land in Salerno, Italy (1943),  11th – Patriot Day, 15th – US forces begin assault on Siegfried line (1944), 19th – POW/MIA Recognition Day, 21st – 1st Day of Autumn, 25th – National WWII Museum in New Orleans is designated as Official WWII museum (2003).


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