Ted Lanske
This is a personal “Thank You” to: LornaRae Power, Mary Hatala, Sandra Black, Cynthia Haack for all the volunteer hours, phone calls, contacts and everything else that went into preparations for Veterans Day activities. These four ladies did the lion’s share of the work that went into this day. I want to express my thanks also to those that cut hair, massages, blood pressure checks, flu shots, provided coffee, snacks and food for the day. Thanks also to Rolings for T-shirts, Eckers for floral displays, and so many others. I want all of you to KNOW and REALIZE, this is put on by Volunteers, who want to show their support for Veterans. Since this was their first in the new facility, they are already looking how to improve and make changes for next year. God Bless them and everyone involved.
*December is here, along with the hustle and bustle of shopping, traveling, plus many other things to occupy our minds. PLEASE; ensure your vehicles are kept locked while shopping, gifts locked in the trunk out of sight if possible, watch for excited young children bundled up with no thoughts of safety, and be observant of those around you. Report suspicious activities to store managers, jot down a license plate number if needed, this is the season of giving and possibly giving someone a safe Christmas, could be the greatest gift ever.

Drop box for Iowa Veterans Home, Marshalltown.
*FIRST NOTICE: In January (14&15), the AMVETS State Executive Committee meeting will be held here in Waverly and our own, Mary Steinbach will have her recognition dinner as Department of Iowa AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary President. If asked to help, assist, ideas, or even a “Thanks MJ”, please step forward and show your appreciation.
*Thankfully the elections are over, but if you check the news, already a Senator (D) has expressed a desire to run in 2020. PLEASE, say it ain’t so. – – – – – – I know that is not proper grammar, but it expresses my feelings better. Win or lose, democrat or republican, the only way we can fix what is wrong, is: WE NEED TO START WORKING TOGETHER. If we could pull the plug on every news network, I think 80% of our problems disappear. Ooops, personal comment-sorry
*At our November Post 79 meeting, I announced the following: “I have served as Post 79 Commander during the following periods; (92-93,93-94), (2001-02,02-03,03-04),(2010-present), which is a total of 12 years”. “We now have the new facility, with a young and energetic manager, who needs the support of new and fresh ideas, and AMVETS needs to follow or lead in that direction”. “In the past 20plus years I have been an AMVET, I lost count of the times I’ve heard, we don’t do that or that won’t work; and I certainly do not want to hear myself make these statements, therefore, I will not continue serving as Post Commander after elections in May, but will support the new Commander”. I do appreciate all of you that waited with me, served with me, and supported me over those 12 years, especially the last 7. Thank You.
*To ALL: My family wishes everyone a: Very Merry Christmas and safe Holidays. I am not sure of what Holiday activities may be going on at the Post, but check for updates, come down and share some cheer and be wise on your adult beverages. Gail is doing a super job in the kitchen, and let everyone know that there is a small but excellent menu available.
*Put Christ back in your hearts and our men and women serving this country in your prayers. As we enter December, amongst that hustle and bustle, remember: Dec. 7, 1941 the attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 16, 1944 Glenn Miller disappeared over the English Channel, Dec 16, 1944 The Battle of the Bulge began, Dec. 21, 1972 East and West Germany established diplomatic ties.
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