Tag Archives: AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary

Commander’s Highlights

I’ve asked many veterans about what they think is a commanders call. That has been pretty much a waste of time. So, I brought it up at the last AMVETS meeting. I have read manuals from the Navy, Airforce and Army with some definite suggestions of how it should be used. I’ve looked on Google to see what I could find out also. With all of this research and facts about commanders call. I presented it at the meeting for some direction on what I should do to ease my mind. First suggestion was to do whatever you want to even renaming it. Another plan was to call it commander’s message. I didn’t think much of that idea because I hear messages on Sunday mornings and you all know I’m no message giver. I have given some thought to commander’s digest, but then doing this just gives me indigestion. So I believe that is out. Then it comes down to what to include in this thing I’ve been doing for 1 1/2 years straining my brain. I’m also running out of true stories to include and would not want to resort to embellishment’s. With all that said I’m going to change to “COMMANDER’S “HIGHLIGHTS” and will include past and future goings on at our meetings plus other things which may include a story or two. The name change will stand for now.
Because of your support of AMVETS, the Post was able to contribute $500 to the Bremer Co. Veterans Affairs for needy veteran families.
There are still several who have not yet paid their 2021 dues. If you have not received your 2021
membership cards, we have not received payment. Please call Ron or Carl Benning ( 319 269 9541) about any discrepancy. Remember that a portion of the annual dues goes to support veterans and their families at the local, state, and national levels.
Since I’ve taken over the control of the house I live in, I’ve renamed my bathroom from the JOHN to the JIM. Now when people ask me what I’ve been doing with my time, I tell them I spend a lot of time in the JIM.
RON IHDE with help from CARL  
319 276 4662            319 290 6762        horsebarn@live.com


The Sons of AMVETS continue with the can collection at the WAVP.  When they are redeemed the money is used for various projects including the scholarship fund. There has been an issue with glass bottles not in the original container box and have at times causes some of the bottles to break. We ask that you separate the cans from the bottles and use the correct collection bin. Signs are posted. If we continue to have issues with broken glass we will not longer accept glass of any kind. Your donations are appreciated, but please be respectful when placing them in the proper containers.

Thank you.

Keep our service members safe and keep their family members in your prayers.

John Mohlis, Sons of AMVETS Commander

Chaplain’s message

AN ETERNAL VALENTINE                                        BY LARRY WILLIAMSON

For God so loved the world he gave his only son that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Day evokes varied emotions.

Those in love celebrate with gifts of flowers and candy. Those that are not in love may feel sadness or anger. If you don’t have someone to celebrate with it can be a lonely time.

But we have Christ to celebrate with.

Christ’s love went so deep he willingly gave his life so we could have a relationship with him. Because of his great love he was willing to endure humiliation even death on the cross.

If you should feel alone this Valentine’s Day remember you are never. alone. the love of Christ is greater than any human love you could ever experience.




Welcome 2021

Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy, New Year. Let’s chalk up 2020 as a year we will never forget and get back to business as usual as soon as possible.

We move into January with the following events:

  • 01-02 AMVETS Steak Fry. Call reservations by 3:30pm
  • 01-09 WAVP Breakfast of Biscuits and Gravy, Sausage, Cheesy Potatoes, Peach French Toast, and Cinnamon roll
  • 01-15 Fish Fry Cod, Potatoe Salad, Cole Slaw, Baked Beans. Curbside or dine-in. Call ahead by 5pm 01-14 $12.00
  • 01-23 AMVETS Steak Fry. Call reservations by 3:30pm
  • 01-28 AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Food night. Curbside or Dine-in: Chicken and Noodles, glazed carrots, and brownies. Call ahead by 01-27.
  • Check the calendar for meeting dates and times for the AMVETS, AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, and the Sons of AMVETS

Thank you for your past support and continue supporting all the organizations included at the WAVP.

Latest News


Think of membership as an everyday program and continuously communicate its importance.

Communication is key: Read the montly newsletter for up-to-date newsin everyday conversations, seek out possible new members, extend a warm invitation to the post and inform them of the various events. Communicate to them the benefits that come with a membership: Help with securing the benefits earned as a veteran or family member of a veteran-fellowship and volunteer opportunies within the community-strength in numbers when addressing Congress about protecting the benefits earned from serving in the Military.

Training: Working with any newer members about recruiting, promoting Americanism in our schools (our future members),  and looking for any volunteer opportunites in our community and hospitals that utilize that new member’s strengths.

Teamwork: AMVETS, AMVETS ladies Auxiliary, and Sons of AMVETS must work together with recruiting members. More AMVETS members, mean more possibilies for the Auxiliary and the Sons. Make sure you always have membership applications available, informational brochures, and be informed enough to answer eligibility questions. 

One thing to always remember, we are here for the purpose of our Veterans, their families, and the communites in which we live.

AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary News

Welcome to 2021

Auxiliary members had taken a break from meetings and Thursday meal nights for the months of November and December, but WE’RE BACK!

Although we didn’t meet, we didn’t stop from doing what we do best-Giving to others through volunteering! Many of our members helped the WAVP staff prepare and serve meals for Thanksgiving and Christmas, continue helping at the fish fry, decorating and undecorating the WAVP for Christmas, plus any task that may come up and are asked to help. 

I have talked to members of other Auxiliaries from across the State of Iowa and they are struggling. Struggling with renewing members, recruiting new members, and become of limited activities through their posts, struggling with donations and money available to fund the various projects they support each year. I have never been prouder of our members for stepping up, proud to say that we have almost 100% membership renewals, and new members. Kim Fox, Michelle Franzen, Janet Maxfield, Barb Bridges, and Ann Killion. Please, if you see them, give them a heartfelt welcome.

I am also proud that through our Food night events we were able to make a donation a donation to the Bremer Co. VA for gift bags delivered to Veterans in Care facilities across Bremer Co. Locally, our Americanism officer, Amy, orchestrated contacting Bartels, and with the help of a few other members, shopped and put together gift bags for 16 Veterans at Bartels. Students from the Waverly day care where Amy works, provided Christmas cards included in the bags. Sandy Miller decorated the outside of the bags. Pictured below are Auxiliary members: Wanda Benning, Sandy Miller, and Mary Steinbach (Amy providing the picture.) We learned later that Auxiliary member, Jean Lanske, helped deliver the gift bags.

Again, so very proud of our members, the “work” they do, and their dedications to the AMVETS organization, supporting Veterans and their families.  Let  us  all  pray  that  2021 gets  started  on  the  right  foot  and  “back  to  normal”.

Sons of AMVETS

There will be no meeting in January.

I would like to thank Santa for the gloves for doing cans.They are appreciated. I’m working on a beer bottle rack to keep bottles out of the bin.  If you have other project ideas for the Sons of AMVETS, please be sure to contact me or one of the other members. As part of your generous can donations, the Sons of AMVETS were able to donate $500 to the Bremer Co. VA office for providing gift bags to Veterans in Care facilities throughout Bremer County.

Remember our veterans in the coming year. 

Chaplain’s Corner


Far too the snow he says. “Fall upon the earth…” Job 37:8a

As I listened to the evening news, I learned that another storm was headed this way. I sighed and thought of all the headaches and backaches it would bring, shoveling the sidewalks and driveway, allowing extra time to drive everywhere. I watched as the first snowflakes fall. As a child I remember how we enjoyed catching the flakes on our tongues. I remember rolling large snow balls, building snowmen, and having snow ball fights with the neighbors, sliding down the hill and just having fun.

These memories help me understand why Jesus said, “We must become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3) Children see the wonder of it all.

Submitted by Larry Williamson