Son’s of AMVETS – July 2016 News

Sons of AMVETS commander

John P. Mohlis Cell Phone 290-7524

As a fundraising project the Sons will again hold a raffle for 2 Adirondack chairs.  The Sons would like to thank Duane Huisman for the time he donated making the chairs.  The chairs will be on display at the Legion.  To purchase tickets contact: John Mohlis (319)290-7524, Jim Trask (319) 240-0804, or stop by the Legion. Tickets are $1 each, 7 for $5, or 15 for $10. Drawing will be held August 1 at the Club.

The Sons of Amvets are proud to announce that Chloe Pruhs, daughter of Rick and Marty Pruhs, has been awarded the Al Bock memorial college scholarship for $500.  Chloe was selected based on her essay and outstanding academic and school accomplishments at WSR.  Her brother is currently serving overseas in the Marines.

Sons of AMVETS Al Bock memorial Scholarship winner Picture: John Mohlis, Commander of the Sons, Virginia Bock, Chloe Pruhs, Jim Amosson, First Vice Commander, and Rick Pruhs, Chloe’s father.

Chairs being raffled by the Sons of AMVETS

Chairs being raffled by the Sons of AMVETS


Continue your awesome support of the can and bottle redemption.  Also, continue to remember our veterans and people presently serving in the military.