Latest News – October 15, 2015

Latest News/Table Talk                               15 October 2015

From: AMVETS Post 79 Commander – Ted Lanske

Why the change from “Social Member”?

First please read the following from the Internal Revenue Code 170(c)(3) regarding Veterans Organizations operating under the 501 (c)(19), which is the VFW, AMVETS, Legion, MCL and WAVP at present.

  1. To meet the membership requirement, at least 90% of the members must be war veterans. In addition, substantially all the other members must be either veterans (but, not war veterans), or cadets, spouses, widows, or widowers of war veterans, veterans or cadets. For the purpose of the 90% test, war veterans may include members of expeditionary forces who actually served in combat situations in foreign countries between the periods of war as defined below.A war veteran is defined as anyone who served in any capacity during WWII, Korean or Vietnam conflicts, Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns and continues through the present.

There is more to this, but simply put; for our Veteran Organizations to maintain their status of an income tax deduction for contributions to a post of “war veterans”, no social members are allowed.

Question:  Why did we have social members in the past?  Ans – Truthfully, if there were social members, the IRS laws were being broke.

Question:  Why the sudden worry or change now?  Ans – 1. Our National Offices have let it be known, that we will abide by the IRS rules.  2.  After 9-11 and the patriotic fever that hit the US, many new “veterans groups” started or attempted to start using the 501 (c)(19) and were not even close to meeting the requirements.  This brought the attention of the IRS and now they are monitoring all Veterans Groups closer than ever before.

Question:  What’s the answer?  Ans – What is being proposed for this year; is that you will be an Annual Patriot Supporter for 2016 with a donation of $35.00.  Since it is a donation, it is tax deductable and you will receive a card noting that you are a supporter.

Question:  What does that get me?  Ans – Since our liquor license is for an open bar or club, you will be allowed the same privileges as before, except you cannot have a voice or vote regarding Veteran activities.

That being said; know that many of us want your input and comments.  Some of our best supporters and contributors have been non-veterans and that is greatly appreciated and is not taken for granted.  We are trying our best to meet the IRS requirements and also maintain a way to show our gratitude.  There easily could be some changes in the future, but some sort of action was needed now.

As an Annual Patriot Supporter of the WAVP, you will be asked for one (1) $35.00 donation for 2016.  This annual donation allows you to attend the membership dinners if invited, the open activities listed on the calendar, our Canteen and no further charges except those posted for Thursday meals, steaks or activities that are also charged to VSO members.

You will not be listed under any Veterans Service Organization, e.g.  AMVETS, but will be under the WAVP.  Again, the previous “social” members have been an important component of our organizations; this is simply a legal way for them to continue their support.  Thanks!

WAVP update:

As of Friday, October 16, 2015, the plumbing, electrical, and any other utilities have been installed on the lower level.  Baker is now back on site, backfilling and making preparations for adding rock and bringing everything to grade.  When setup is complete, the lower level concrete will be poured.  Peter’s Construction was on site and framing steel work is being delivered.  All I can say is; “Things are moving forward”.

