Latest News is or was created to provide an avenue to update activities throughout the month without waiting for the next scheduled newsletter. Although it is not used every month nor is it used on scheduled basis, it still provides up to date information. Please check back with us during the month and see something new or an update on the building. This same news is being printed and placed in the Canteen as “Table Talk”. Thank you for your support and will try to keep our AMVETS Family informed.
Reminder to everyone, 2016 annual membership dues need to be paid if you wish to continue your membership in your chosen organization or as a Patriot contributor/supporter. The WAVP board is looking at different ideas in the acceptance of “social” non-veterans and their role in the WAVP. We understand the confusion and are looking at ways to meet the requirements of the IRS and acknowledge the support of those “social” members. It may seem easy, but where the IRS is involved the trail gets a bit tricky.
At this writing, the 2nd floor exterior walls are being put in place. If you drive by on 10th Ave., the first of these walls are now visible from the roadway. The lower level has been sealed off from the weather as much as possible, allowing some work to be scheduled for this area. The steel work for stairways and some other larger building necessities are also being scheduled for delivery.
AMVETS wishes to thank those that have attended our steak fries and hope that you continue to observe the calendar and support us in the future. Conditions are not the best, but open for suggestions on how to improve, but hopefully we can survive through the next few months. At present, steaks are planned for Saturday, Dec. 5th and Dec. 31st (New Year’s Eve). We will have the Hawkeyes on the TV’s and some drink specials are being planned for the 5th.
I know the various organizations all appreciate the support they get on the Thursday food nights. The Hors d’oeuvres evenings have been well attended and the food plentiful. It is interesting to check out the tables and able to try the selections, especially the desserts. If you have not participated and would like to, bring a single dish: salad, dessert, casserole, hot dish, deviled eggs, or a crockpot surprise and join the fun. Not chiseled in stone, but we try to get things going about 5:30 pm. Coffee and water is provided, so where else can you have a better evening?
There is a committee that would like to decorate the facilities for Christmas. If you should have a few extra working Christmas or holiday decorations that you are willing to donate to the club, please leave them with Michelle at the Canteen. Thank you in advance for whatever you can give.
Still in the giving mood? AMVETS Auxiliary is looking for donations for the Iowa Veterans Home in Marshalltown. Last year, two full boxes of personal items were delivered to the Veterans home. We are asking again that you think, as you shop, to pick up one extra bottle of shampoo, bar of soap, body wash, shaving cream, deodorant, denture cream, men’s socks, large or extra large t-shirts/underwear for starters. Full size bottles are required, NO motel/hotel sizes as they will be discarded. Bring them to the Canteen and fill the box. These items will be delivered to Marshalltown Veterans Home after the first of the year.
Now that the winter type weather has descended upon us, the staff would appreciate your assistance in maintaining a safe environment for our customers. There is ice melt and shovels available and would ask those that are younger and healthy to assist the staff in salting or do a little shoveling if needed to help out. A few minutes of your time could save someone a trip to the ER or just a slip or fall. At least let someone know of icy or bad spots.
A few things you may not know about helping or volunteering at the Post:
- Janell Miller, Wanda Benning and Jean Lanske pick up and volunteer doing the laundry from the bar and kitchen.
- Michelle Ferguson volunteers to open and assist during rentals or unscheduled use of the facility.
- Richard and Janell Miller utilize their vehicles and time to go shopping for the breakfast and do the prep work (inventory & ordering).
- Bob and Sally O’hare, when asked, come and clean the facilities and bathrooms.
- Ted and Jean Lanske on a daily basis clean the bathrooms, sweep and mop when needed, wipe tables, bag and place the garbage and recyclables out to the curb for pickup.
- Ted Lanske loads and takes the bottles to the redemption center.
There are many people that donate time for the monthly breakfast and food nights, but those mentioned above are there on a regular basis ensuring that the Post runs and spend numerous hours plus use of their vehicles with absolutely no compensation. None of them are asking for a “thank you”, but I want you to know they are dedicated individuals volunteering their resources and time to help the Post.
Another TV has been added, donated by James Brandau family, and will add viewing in a different area of the Post. A bracket had to be purchased to support this TV ($100.00) and donations to cover this purchase would be welcomed. Please leave a donation with Michelle or staff, asking that your donation be set aside to pay for this support. Thank you.
From the Canteen Staff, WAVP Board members, the Waverly Veterans Organizations; We all wish you a very Merry Christmas, safe travels and a Happy and Blessed New Year. Thank you for your support in 2015 and your continued support for 2016.