Latest News – August 13

Work is progressing on the WAVP building with the final preparations being made for completing the footings and pouring the final wall portions.  Crystal Plumbing is next in line to get their plumbing roughed in.  Temporary power has been brought in for contractors to utilize.  Charlie Meier has been maintaining the grounds as best as he can with all the work going on; this to minimize complaints from a few of our wonderful neighbors.  So if you see Charlie, give him a “thank you”, it is well deserved.

Thanks to those that are purchasing pizzas and spending a little more time at the Canteen.  Your patronage and support is important to us and it is appreciated.  Thanks to Larry Williamson for his donations towards the Pizzazz and for the red pepper flakes.  He had a request and acted upon it with financial contributions.  Now that is; positive action.

Thanks go out to all those that continue to attend the Thursday food nights, and the Thursday hors d’oeuvres.  We have had decent turnouts, even with all the summer activities around us.  We would like to see more people volunteer to help with Thursday meals or with the WAVP breakfast.  You decide on the time commitment, 1 hour or 3 hours, every little bit helps for some of those that are here volunteering 5 to 30 hours per month.

AMVETS has been hosting a Saturday steak night the 1st Saturday of the month and we hope to continue that.  The feedback so far has been positive and a few adjustments will be made, but so far, it has been successful.  We are looking forward to increased participation now that school will be back in session, summer vacations coming to an end and other summer activities ending.  Thanks to all of you that have participated in our steak night.  Would like to see other organizations or associates schedule some steak night activities.

Reminder to everyone, beginning in October, the different membership dinners will be starting.  Please check future calendars and dates for these and make plans to attend.  Your support is important to the organizations and for Veterans.

The questions keep coming up, “when will the new facility be ready and can we book it for wedding/activity/??? for next year?”.   Wish I had an exact answer, but honestly, that is probably not going to happen.  The goal is to get the new facility enclosed by November so work can progress inside during the winter months.  This is a big project with different contractors and suppliers, and wishful thinking is just that, “wishful thinking”.  Making a promise that cannot be fulfilled or kept is horrible publicity and would do more harm than anything I can imagine.  This is my personal opinion and may not be shared by all, but working around or in construction for 50+ years does give me some insight.

Thanks and hoping all of you had a great summer.