With changes at the WAVP, a current, full calendar is not available at this time. This is the information I have for AMVETS:
01-10-2018 AMVETS Meeting 7:00
01-17-2018 AMVETS Auxiliary meeting 7:00
01-20-2018 Recognition Dinner for Department of Iowa AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary President Mary Steinbach Social hour starting at 5:00 Dinner and program at 6:00
01-20-2018 Committee Meetings for AMVETS:
12:30PM Finance Committee
1:00PM Service Foundation
1:30PM Membership
Hosted by Waverly Post 79 at the WAVP
Joint Opening 9:00AM and meetings until about 12:00
01-25-2018 AMVETS Auxiliary Food night: Beef and Noodles, Mashed Potatoes, Glazed carrots, and Dessert $8.00
You may go to the WAVP website to view their calendar for more details or check back often to see newly added events. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that things will run as normal come February.
This is an invitation for all AMVETS, AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, and Sons of AMVETS