Latest News 

When you receive the monthly email notification for the newsletter, the entire articles are not included in the email. The messages and the calendar information are too big to send within an email. To view an entire article or to view the calendar you must click on the heading of the article (example: Commanders column) (or on your phone, tap the heading). This will take you to the actual website where you will have a drop down box from the HOME tab for the various articles. You can then read the entire article. There is also a tab on the top to view the calendar. When you hover over a date it will give you more information about a certain event. Also, on the top is a tab for tributes which includes a memorial page for those members we have lost. There is also a tutorial tab that you could read through to give you more information to navigate through the website.

Other helpful tabs include the “links” tab. Check out these links to access helpful information.

If you are still having issues pertaining to the newsletter and the website, please contact me at or call 319-230-9318 Mary Steinbach