The final push for our membership drive is on!
Please continue your membership by submitting your $20.00 dues to our membership chair:
Jean Lanske
416 4th ST. SW
Waverly, Iowa 50677
Who We Are: AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary is made up of dedicated women whose primary focus revolves around our relationship to an individual who has honorably served our country in military service. As Auxiliary volunteers, we are helping, caring and sharing for our community and for those who are serving and have served our country. We join together as an organization to promote, support, and assist our parent organization AMVETS in achieving this goal.
Thank you to those donating items for Iowa Veterans Home. Jean and a group of ladies traveled December 1st with the items.
On December 20th, the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary will be hosted a special Holiday Hors D’Oeuvres party. Bring a dish to share and join in for this pre-Christmas party starting at 5:30.
As we move into the holiday season, remember those currently serving and are away from home. If you know a family from the community in need, a child without a present under the tree, or someone with no family in which to spend the holiday, reach out, give a hand up, a warm hug, or whatever you can give to spread the Christmas spirit.
Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being. –Kevin Kruse
We Waited Together, Now Let’s Work Together