Mary Steinbach 319-230-9318 or
The beginning of June is the beginning of a New Auxiliary Year and the election of new officers. I am proud to present our new Officers for 2018-2019!
It has been my pleasure to serve as the local AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary President for the past few years and will continue to work for the Auxiliary as their membership chair. Please welcome Donna Fischer as the new President and continue to support the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, our food night fundraisers, work we do within the community, hospitals, and supporting our Veterans.
We will be presenting scholarships during our June meeting. At the W-SR awards breakfast, 3 of our Auxiliary members were present for award a local Senior with one of the scholarships. Emily Archibald was the recipient. Present were Nancy Edwards-scholarship chair, Donna Fischer-2nd-3rd Vice, and Mary Steinbach-Auxiliary President. Congratulations Emily.
I want to thank all the Auxiliary ladies who gave their time or donated goods for our monthly food night fundraisers. With all that you do, we are able to give our scholarships, donate for our various project, and support our community and our Veterans. THANK YOU!
Another big Thank You goes to those participating in the Memorial Day parade and Services. Aside from the heat, it was a great day to remember those that had paid the ultimate price for peace.
We Waited Together, Now Let’s Work Together