Ted Lanske, AMVETS Commander
• My sincerest “thanks” go to Cindy & Larry Helmers and their crew (JR & Jeanette Iverson and James & Yvonne Beam) with Larry & Cindy Rassmussen completing the final touch. They did a great job decorating, working the raffle and providing a wonderful evening for Valentine’s Day. My “thanks” also to all that participated and made their reservations and my “apologies” to those that called and were informed we were booked. Not sure of the exact number, but at least 10-15 were denied because of space limitations at the current VFW facilities.
to them.
• Although not an AMVET, Veterans and our community lost a great supporter this past month with the death of Arnold Waldstein. Arnie was one of the most level headed people I have ever met and will be missed by many.
• Although unknown to most of you, we also lost Past National Commander Thomas McGriff from the effects of diabetes. PNC McGriff was a submarine Veteran, attended our department convention in 2006 as I ended my time as Department Commander, and was just a great guy to share time with. Both of these gentlemen deserve thanks for making this a better world.
• There are several AMVETS, SOA’s and Auxiliary that have not renewed, and would ask that you give this some thought. AMVETS, I believe, is still the most active Veterans group in the area in regards to donations, volunteer hours, communication, community involvement, Veteran support and to maintain this, we need your membership renewed. Some of you have been contacted and others will be, so if you truly are a supporter of Veterans, please renew now.
• A new bulletin board has been installed at the VFW, which will mainly be used for information pertaining to Veterans. It may come from different sources, but is NOT there for any political purpose, but to inform you what is or may be taking place at State or National level. If a multiple page document, feel free to take it down, review it and then return it to the board. I will try to keep it updated, but if you find something useful or relevant, contact me and I will post it. One item recently posted is an update of Navy ships that may qualify those sailors for VA benefits regarding Agent Orange.
• Our AMVETS family has a couple of individuals that could use your thoughts and prayers. Lottie Napicek and Davey Smith are both having medical problems, so if you wish to send them a card, contact Jean Lanske or me and we will provide you with an address. To protect people, I will not post addresses in the newsletter, unless requested. If you know of someone in our AMVET family that could use some healing thoughts sent their way, please contact us and we will attempt to get the word out. If we do not know, we cannot help.
• I try to keep the WAVP information separate from the newsletter, but at this writing, rumors are abundant. One item that is not a rumor, is the fact that a committee is looking at alternative sites to maintain a post. If you have suggestions, please contact me personally and not make exaggerations or comments at the bar.
• LAST CALL FOR TRIBUTE BRICKS; we need to have your order filled out and to Carl Benning by 15 March 2014 for this years’ order. If you need help, please contact me.
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