Commander’s News

February News Letter The middle of January and Mother nature has let us know that yes we do live in Iowa, single digit temperatures with snow and wind. I would like to thank all the people that volunteer their hours doing work preparing for all the events at the WAVP. We could not have all of these events without your help. I want to especially recognize the Color Guard, who participated in three funeral in three consecutive days. Beryl Peck’s funeral was Monday the 14th, James Miller was Tuesday the 15th and Don Dietz Wednesday the 16th. These three men gave many years of service to the AMVETS and VFW.

I would like to address closing the WAVP and canceling the fish fry January 18th and 19th. The decision was made listening to the weather reports on TV and radio. with that said, in hind sight the decision would have been different. Agree or disagree life goes on.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me. 319-404-2311 or bobohare201 Bob O’Hare, Commander Post #79