Commander’s News

The membership dinner for Amvets, Auxiliary, and Sons is Wednesday, October 10th. Social hour is 5:30 with dinner at 6:30.

There will not be a fish fry in October.

If you have not sent us your email address, please bring it to the membership dinner. Many e-mail addresses are not current or updated. If you have updated your e-mail recently, please send the updated address to Any questions or concerns contact me at or 319-404-2311.

We will have information on “Planning your legacy” available at the dinner.

2019 Annual Memberships are now due!

Thanks to those who have already paid their 2019 memberships; this will allow a free meal at our upcoming membership dinners. All life members also receive a free meal; however, we ask for your consideration of a donation to cover the expenses.

AMVETS is the most inclusive veterans service organization, with over 250,000 members, representing the interests of 20 million veterans. The percentage of veterans serving in legislative bodies (national, state, and local) continues to decline; therefore your voice, through membership, is more important than ever. AMVETS has been at the forefront of public policy related to national defense, homeless veterans, adequate funding for veteran programs, veteran employment and training, POWI4IA

accountability, and flag protection.

Review the AMVETS mission statement: To enhance and safeguard the entitlements for all American veterans who have served honorably and to improve the quality of life for them, their families, and the communities where they live through leadership, advocacy and services.

Even though the number of active duty service members is less than fifty years ago, their needs are more complex and continuous. Agent orange, burn pits, TBI, PTS, and amputees are but a few problems being addressed; all have related issues that must be addressed. There are many side benefits that are included with your membership. There are too many to list here, but please review all the membership benefits listed on the national organization’s website: www.amvets.ors.


Bob O’Hare

If you have questions or concerns contact me at 319-404-2311 or

WAVP Update

As highlighted at the annual meeting a few months ago, the Board is pleased that the operational budget is being met and in the black!

With all current facility costs, equipment purchases, and in-kind gifts totaling approximately $4.5 million; there is still an outstanding facility loan of $380,000 of which $40,000 is covered with outstanding pledges. Since the Board is anxious to lower this debt, we encourage all individuals and families to consider a gift to WAVP. Your gift(s) may take whichever form provides the maximum tax benefits: cash, securities, insurance proceeds, IRA required minimum distribution, real estate, personal property, etc. All donations are tax deductible under the IRS Code; please review your personal situation with your tax adviser.

All contributors will be acknowledged on the wall of Honor unless the contributor wishes to remain anonymous. The Wall is located in the hallway on the upper level and is updated frequently. To date, more than 1000 individuals, families, and businesses have made contributions to this project!

WAVP is becoming more popular as an event venue. In addition to many birthday, anniversary, and graduation parties, there are several Christmas events as well as 19 wedding/wedding receptions booked for 2019.

We hope all community members will continue to generously support the Waverly Area veterans post because they believe this new facility is a valuable community asset.