If you have never attended one of our monthly meetings you don’t know what you are missing. We meet on the second Wednesday of the month in the lower level of the W A V P at 7:00 PM sharp. We normally go away from the meeting much wiser.
For the next few months, we will remember the four Bremer County veterans who lost their lives during the Vietnam War. Navy Captain Paul Milius graduated from Readlyn High School in 1946; he was commanding an observation plane over Laos on February 27, 1968. The plane, with a crew of nine, was hit by anti- aircraft fire and burst into flames, killing one crew member. Milius ordered the rest of the crew to bail out while he tried to save the plane. Finally, Milius ejected, but his remains were never recovered ( the other seven crew members were rescued by the 37th Air Rescue Recovery Squadron). The USS Milius (DDG-69), a guided missile destroyer in the US Navy, was launched in August, 1995. It was the first ship named after a POW/MIA from the Vietnam War. The ship, with a crew of approximately 300, has been deployed in numerous locations around the world since its launch.
Paul’s name is listed on the Vietnam Wall, Panel 41E, line 51. RIP!
The local AMVETS and American Legion posts voted to not collect dues for the remainder of 2021 for new recruits only. This should make us busy and get some new people signed up at both posts. Because this Commanders “Highlights” is of a more serious nature, I will save my true stories until later.
Commander RON IHDE 319 290 6762-319 276 4662 horsebarn@live.com
Thanks To Carl for his input and help.