Commanders Call – September 2016

Ted Lanske 319-240-0734

Ted Lanske

*First I want to pass on my condolences to the family of Lavern Lampe.  I first met Lavern many years ago at about 11 pm at night when water was coming up through a toilet in his basement while I was working for the City.  Will not go into detail, but imagine the frustration when your house is getting flooded and no one else is being bothered, and by morning we had dug up his yard to close off his sewer line to the house.  Yet out of this crazy meeting, a friendship was born and I treasure all the moments and time we spent visiting.  May the family remember the good times and share laughter over the memories.

*It is official, on Wednesday, October 19th, AMVETS, AMVETS Auxiliary, Sons will have their annual membership dinner, come and renew that evening.  Those that are paid new or renewed members are invited to participate, all life members are also welcome, but a small donation would be appreciated.  The hall will “hopefully” have the curtain installed allowing separation of the parties.  There will be a social hour of 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm, with the meal starting at 6:30.  The menu and buffet style has worked well and believe it should work for this also.  The AMVETS/Sons will have their usual raffles going on, with a portion to support the meal and the rest to Marshalltown Veterans Home and/or Iowa City VA Hospital.

*AMVETS ANNUAL MEMBERS:  No one is taking responsibility, but invoices sent to our annual members for the whole state of Iowa from National have added an extra $9.00 for the Department.   Your invoice shows annual dues of $44.00 and that is incorrect.  Post 79 dues are $35.00 and that is the amount to send to the Post.  The proper breakdown for dues is: National – $15.00 – – – – -Department of Iowa – $9.00 – – – – – Post 79 – $11.00 – – – Total – $35.00 – – – – – If you go on line to renew, it will also show the incorrect amount of $44.00.  Please, if you are renewing, send the amount of $35.00 to AMVETS Post 79, PO Box 93, Waverly, IA. 50677    If you have paid already and some have, you are entitled to the $9.00 overcharge back if you request it, or come to the dinner and request it.  This is not the fault of any members or officers of the local post, but I am embarrassed by the incompetence of well paid employees at National for not catching this error.

*At this time, am not sure how we will handle Patriot Supporters.  Please know that your support is important to us.  Please watch for more information either at the Post, web sites, or mailings.

*In November, the WAVP will be used as the site for Veterans Day activities on the 11th of November.  More information will be coming in the next newsletter, latest news or at the Veterans Post.  The event will have activities going on all day and hope people will come and go throughout the day.  Knowing that there are several businesses providing meals at various times for Veterans, the menu at the Post is scheduled to be light snacks.

*Please enjoy the Labor Day Holiday and keep in mind some historical dates:  Sept. 2 – V-J Day, Japan signed formal surrender – Sept. 5 – Labor Day – Sept. 11- Patriot Day (especially important as Waverly just hosted the Iowa Firemen’s Convention)   –  Sept. 16 – POW-MIA Recognition Day.

*Final thought for now, as the daylight hours get less and the sun is lower in the sky, the chances for momentary sun blindness increases, so be careful driving.   Hate to say this, but it is also time to think of checking and readying your vehicles for winter.

*Help AMVETS help Veterans