Mark your calendars for the annual Post 79 membership dinner on October 11th. Social hour at 5PM and dinner at 6PM. This includes all AMVETS members, auxiliary members, and Sons. Patriot supporters are also welcome. Your 2018 paid dues include the cost of the dinner. Even though the dinner is included with all life memberships, please consider a donation for the meal expenses.
Thanks to all who have already paid your 2018 annual dues. To save postage costs, your membership cards will be given to you at the membership dinner. If any life members need new cards, make Steve Van Helen or Carl Benning aware of your needs.
Veteran’s Day Activities, November 11th
Tentative plans include the regular monthly breakfast and a brief program at WAVP. We plan to have space and tables available for display of any military memorabilia. Again, these are tentative plans; stay tuned for definite and additional happenings.
Please watch the calendar for all of the events at the WAVP. Volunteers are always needed. Please don’t wait for a call. Step up and volunteer.
Lets not forget to honor and support our veterans.
Any questions or concerns call:
Bob O’Hare, Commander Post 79
Phone 319-404-2311