Ted Lanske
*I wish there was space and time to “Thank” everyone that has supported our activities during the many years I have served as Post Commander, State Commander and various other positions. The list is long and many over the years are no longer present, but had an influence on my life. I truly appreciate those of you that have sat with me or allowed me to sit with you as we shared thoughts on various aspects of our Veteran’s organizations. Friendly disagreement adds to the strength of a healthy organization and should never be put down, and an honest response is invaluable to maintaining integrity. It is far better to state “I don’t know or have the answer, but will find out and get back to you”, then trying to live on B.S. or lies. I may not always have been successful, but as Commander, I have tried to be open to everyone’s opinion, but many times have supported what I felt was best for AMVETS at that time.
*REMINDER: The election of Officers for 2017-18 will take place May 10th, with the meeting starting at 1900 or 7:00 p.m. This is a terrific opportunity to become involved, showing support for Veterans with very little time involved. If you have questions, I am willing to have coffee with you and discuss it.
*The VFW has the responsibility of promoting Waverly’s Memorial Day activities, but ask all of you to support the day’s activities along with our neighboring communities. Reminding you now, that the parade route will be different with the closure of 1st St and Bremer Ave. NW.
*Cedar Falls AMVETS Post 49 is hosting the “Vietnam Traveling Wall” from May 17-May 21. Volunteers are still needed and if interested:
Volunteer to help at The Wall That Heals
Follow the directions below:
Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page: http://signup.com/go/KCx7jF
2. Enter your email address
3. Sign up! Choose your spots
If you are having trouble, email Donita Krueger at donitakrueger@gmail.com and she will send you a link, or
there is a sign up sheet at AMVETS Post 49
*As we look forward into May, let us remember; school will be coming to an end and sidewalks will be full of young bicyclists and children with no thought of danger. It is up to us to slow down, be more vigilant (especially with the construction areas) and protect them. If you have children or grandchildren, try to instill the reasoning of wearing a helmet and awareness of their surroundings. The same should be said of water activities. It is so heartbreaking to hear or read of a young child drowning in a farm pond or hit at an intersection. We all need to be more aware of what and where we are and less time worrying about the chirping cell phone. I wish all of you a truly SAFE and WONDERFUL SUMMER.
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