Commander’s Call – May 2016

MemorialDay *Update on the WAVP as of 4/21/2016:  I would put the exterior brick work at approximately 90-95% completed, drywall is being installed in the lower level, plumbing, HVAC, and wiring work continues.  Some updated pictures are available on Facebook under Amvets Ladies Auxiliary Post 79, and/or Ted Lanske or .  If you attend the WAVP breakfast, some of the latest pictures are normally showing on one or two of the TV’s at the Post.

Ted Lanske 319-240-0734

Ted Lanske

*Please keep in mind that May 30th is Memorial Day and the Marine Corps League is the responsible organization this year.  Please take an hour or two out of your lives to either attend activities on the 30th or volunteer in placement of poles, flags, grave markers or Flanders Field.  Keep your eyes and ears open for the schedule of events from the MCL.

*If you were fortunate enough to attend the showing of “Where Patriots Gather” put together by a group of Wartburg students, I am sure you will agree they did a great job.  If you were not able to attend, it is available to view on our website.  If you are interested in watching this 15 minute program and at the Post when I am, ask me and will access it on the computer.

*Please check the calendar at the Canteen for updates, as of 4/21, AMVETS will do a steak fry on the 7th of May.  Originally scheduled for the 14th, but cancelation of a hall rental allows us to utilize that date, which is more convenient.  Also note the 2nd Saturday breakfast and Thursday food nights.  I thank all of you that come down and participate in our activities.  If you are enjoying these activities, bring a friend along to share your enjoyment.

*This past month, several of our AMVETS family received recognition of some sort for volunteer activities they participate in.  The Iowa Veterans Home in Marshalltown recognized Marge Dietz, Patty Kaiser, Jean Lanske, Veronica McKenzie, Dita Boorom and AMVETS. Hospice recognized Jean Lanske, Shirley Wehrhan, and Irene Brinkman. Hospital volunteers; Jean Lanske, Shirley Wehrhan, Marge Dietz, and Irene Brinkman.  NEI3A (home delivered meals); Shirley Wehrhan, Jean and Ted Lanske.  I know there are others, too bashful to say anything, but if you see these people, PLEASE say thank you.  They are a huge part of what makes living in Iowa great and their dedication without expecting or wanting recognition is a blessing for all.  Speaking for myself, whenever I catch myself with the desire to complain about my wine or beer being at the wrong temperature or the chair to hard, I visualize those I have assisted at IVH or deliver meals too; guess what, my aches minimize and realize I am truly blessed.

*Speaking of volunteers, they will be needed as we enter into the new WAVP.  Waverly will be hosting the annual State Firemen’s Association convention September 7th – 11th, 2016.  Our Grand Opening is scheduled for October 8th, 2016; Veterans Day activities are in planning stages for November 11th, 2016 and if you are or would be interested in being involved, contact me or any Board Member.  Can’t stand on your feet for long or anything physical, then maybe a cake or cookies, registration desk, smile and welcoming committee, could be your gift.  As this is all in planning stages, maybe making name tags, badges or addressing envelopes would be needed.  I truly appreciate everyone that has given anything, including time for the various AMVETS projects that we have been involved in.  Thank you.

*This month will include election of Officers for our organizations and would ask that someone step up and become involved.  I or another Post Officer may be calling some of you to help fill needed gaps in our ranks. Contact Carl Benning for what is needed and the time commitment.  I would think by now, that everyone would be “sick and tired” of listening or watching me continue as Commander.


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