Ted Lanske
*I would like to express my condolences to family and friends of Eugene (Gene) Gaulke (AMVETS)-D.- February 2, 2017 and Norma Briner (Auxiliary)- D.- January 23, 2017. Gene always had a twinkle in his eyes and heartwarming smile and just enough mischief to keep things interesting. Norma was a dedicated Auxiliary member and contributed what she could until her health limited those abilities. May we all hold them in our hearts, prayers and memories.
*I would like to remember and express condolences to Jim Lahr’s and Ruth Rosol’s family and their friends. Although not Post 79 members, they were Post 79 family and through the years supported our activities. I am thankful they shared a portion of their lives with me and proud to call them friends.
*To Cyndi and Lyman Campbell, on the passing of Cyndi’s Mother, Barbara (Bobbi) (Ecker) Blatchford. Bobbi was well known and Ecker’s Nursery was generous over the years to many community activities including AMVETS. May we also keep Cyndi and the Ecker family in our prayers and share the memories with others.
*On a lighter side: the weather has been un-winter like, but let’s not be fooled because we still have March Madness, which could be sports or snow. The good news is that spring is not far away and the days are noticeably longer, so please stay safe, watch the weather, and get the grill ready.
*Department of Iowa Scholarship forms were dropped off at the high school, but they are accessible on line: http://www.amvetsiowa.org/News-.html and scroll down to a pdf for scholarship 2016-17. National AMVETS also has scholarships, forms accessible through National web site.
*My newsletter for March is shorter than most newsletters, and now looking at two more (April/May) to complete my term. Minus the few months I missed, that adds up to approximately 135 newsletters. Thank you again to everyone who has ever made a comment regarding the newsletter.
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*From Carl Benning, WAVP Board and Post 79 Finance Officer for the newsletter:
- Since we are spending over $1700 each year on the mailing of the newsletter, please consider giving us your e-mail address (you can drop it off at WAVP and designate it for the AMVETS newsletter, or enter your address on the front page of this site). This will allow us more dollars that we can use for veterans’ services.
- There are over 180 AMVETS members in our local Post 79; however, only about 10 are present at the monthly meetings. Pretty Sad!! Decisions are made at these meetings; we would like more input and involvement from all members. We meet the second Wednesday of each month at 7 pm. This is YOUR organization!!
- We are looking for more activities to keep our members active. Any suggestions? If you are willing to help with any activity, let us know.
- Election of officers is around the corner; the “old slate” is getting tired! Please consider volunteering for any office.
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