Ted Lanske
*Welcome to summer and some new Officers on board. AMVETS Post 79 had their election of Officers with final installation at our meeting in June. This will be my final comments as Post Commander, but look forward to working with our new Commander and his Officers.
*Reminder: To all parents and grandparents of young children, mark June 2-4 on your calendar. Iowa residents may fish without a license on June 2, 3 and 4 as part of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) free fishing weekend.
“Free fishing weekend is a great opportunity for Iowans to reconnect with fishing,” said Joe Larscheid, chief of the Iowa DNR’s Fisheries Bureau. “Invite a kid, your best friend or your mom to come along. Have some fun and create new memories.”
*These are your Officers for 2017-18:

Commander Bob O’Hare 319-404-2311 bobohare201@gmail.com
Post Commander – Bob O’Hare
1st Vice Membership – Steve Van Helten
2nd Vice Programs – Edward Abben
Adjutant – Jon Kaiser
Finance – Carl Benning
Judge Advocate – James Brandau
Historian – Steve Van Helten
Provost Marshall – Larry Hansen
Service Officer – Cory Stephens
Public Relations – Ted Lanske
Chaplain – Gary Phillips
*From your new Commander in his own words:
*My name is Bob O’Hare. I will be taking Ted Lanske’s place as Commander. I have big shoes to fill. With the help of all the AMVETS members, I hope I can make it work half as well as Ted.
I will tell you my background. I’m a life member of the AMVETS, life member of the Marine Corps League, and a board member of the WAVP. During the 1990’s I served three terms as Commander of AMVETS Post 79.
Some of the goals I have is increasing membership. I hope to increase the steak fries to three or four a month with the help of the other organizations. With the four organizations working together, we can get a fish fry going again at the WAVP.
To accomplish all of this we will need many volunteers. Let’s talk to family and friends and get a volunteer list started. If you have any questions or concerns my email address and phone number are as follows:
bobohare201@gmail.com Phone 319-404-2311
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