Commanders Call – June 2016

Ted Lanske
*To all our AMVETS Family; please have a safe and enjoyable summer, take some time to do or try something different. Jean and I just finished our annual cemetery cleaning and respect trip to Minnesota and road construction is everywhere, so add some time for traveling, schedule an extra break and cautious is the key word. We visited some of my cousins that I haven’t seen for several years and it was a lot of fun, but tiring.
*Our Post 79 elections are complete and for the most part, no major changes, so you are still stuck with me for at least one more year as Commander. Will include a photo and updated Officer list in a later letter.
*I sat down to write this newsletter on my computer, and it would not turn on, so am using a computer that I am unfamiliar with and does not contain my notes, so this will be a short newsletter. It is okay to say, “That’s good news”.
*There are a lot of things coming up this year and would ask all of you to be prepared to help in some way. Some projects or events that may or could use some help, will be an AMVETS District meeting on June 26th (light lunch will be served), Heritage Days in July will need some volunteers, the WAVP move (actual date and timing not established), are just a few things coming up. If you are capable of doing and donating a dessert, or helping do sandwiches, coffee, or a salad, please contact me or Jean Lanske. Several of you are always there and that is truly appreciated, so some that think “I should get involved or help”; this is a way to do that and no long term commitment. A few of our Family have already promised to be there when the Firemen’s Convention comes to town and that is great. Thank You to all that step forward.
*WAVP update: Job applications are being reviewed and interviews will be scheduled towards the end of June. Work that continues inside the building includes drywall installation and finishing, elevator, electrical, plumbing and HVAC. The parking lot excavation and elevation changes are in progress along with some other concrete work.
*Several 2015-16 members have received notices that they are past due and have contacted me about this. I do not know exactly where the problem is, but Carl Benning and myself have used some choice words to express our frustrations with our State Department and National. If you are one of those that have your 2015-16 card and received a letter, please let us know. Call 319-240-0734 or email . Our membership year ends August 31st 2016, so the renewal for 2016-17 could be in the mail come this July.
*Thanks to all of you for continuing to support the AMVETS 79 Family. Our Facebook page, which was initiated by Amy Slaba, has had the name shortened to Amvets Post 79 and hopefully the team will try to keep it more current. If you or friends are facebook users, become a friend, give it a like and help us grow. Amvets Post 79 is there not only for us, but also to share information that can help Veterans or other Posts help Veterans. My thanks to Amy Slaba for getting it started and letting us make changes.
*Okay, it is not as short as promised, but I did try. Have a great summer.
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