AMVETS Post 79 held election of officers for 2014-15 and your Post Officers will remain the same with the addition of Darrell Blasberg serving as Service Officer. Darrell is currently serving as Service Officer for the VFW, so this simplifies the contact person and Darrell continues to stay up to date on Veterans’ issues.
I would like to thank the Sons of AMVETS for their continued support and their can/bottle redemption site at the VFW location. If you are a regular at the VFW, know with the price of gas, it is probably cheaper to support the SOA’s, than drive and wait at the redemption center. The SOA continue their scholarship in Al Bock’s name plus have provided gift certificates at our special dinners, so please, let’s support them with the can/bottle redemption site.
It is my sincere hope that everyone has received their May calendar and newsletter. If you haven’t already, please take the time to access the new web site if you have internet capabilities or visit someone who does. We ask that you take the time to check it out completely as we would very much like your feedback on the new site. Additionally, we will be placing information on the site that will not be in the USPS newsletter. When new information is placed on the site, an email notice will be sent to those listed with the web site. Please ensure that you check your spam box, just in case it goes there and then make sure you record us under your contacts. If you haven’t yet subscribed, you can do so by visiting the site and placing your email address in the “Subscribe” box on the right hand side of the screen. If you are on the list, it will just automatically confirm that, and you need take no further action. This list will not be sold or available, other than Post 79 AMVETS. Just so you understand, this newsletter is being written the 19th of May so it can be published by June 1st. There is a good possibility that the newsletter on the website June 1st may contain some added or updated information. We owe a huge thank you to Jeff and Tim Walker, for all their hard work putting this together. This is their way of supporting AMVETS and our activities without a cost to our Post. Jeff has put a SOP book together, which allows us to add or edit information to the site without utilizing the webmaster. This simplifies things and also gives us the capability of maintaining an up to date site with fresh information.
The website needs your help with our currently serving. We would like to recognize all of our young men and women whom are in the service. I have been in contact with individuals regarding this, but it is you who could truly help us out. Please talk with your pastors or people you know and explain that AMVETS has this site and would like to recognize those serving. They do not have to be AMVETS and no recruitment will be asked of them. Unlike a newspaper, where one post and done, this will be on the site for some time and slowly move into an archive as more postings are placed. We would like a current picture in uniform and some brief information about them. They or the family has the say on what we would post under currently serving.
As May ends and June begins, summer vacations and children running free also begin. Please give yourself a few extra minutes, slow down and watch for our young children as they utilize the streets, sidewalks, alleys and playgrounds. We, as adults, must compensate our lives to ensure that our children stay safe. We, as adults, must also remain vigilant for strange vehicles, things that seem out of place, or the feeling that something is not right, to further protect the greatest commodity our community has, our children.
I am in the process of placing items pertaining to the history of AMVETS Post 79 on DVD’s or memory sticks, so they can be placed in our post safe deposit box for the future. If there is anyone that would be willing to help sort, scan or assist in any way, please contact me. This is a project that you could put a few hours or many hours into it and done at your home. At this time, I have scanned the pictures of the Post Commanders, except for the following: Derek Peisen (2004-06), Irv Himebaugh (1971-73) & Donald Klienschmidt (1966-67). No pictures or photographs existed at the post of these three gentlemen. If someone would have a picture or know of family members that may have photos, please have them contact me. It would be nice if the photo was of that time frame, but is not a necessity. Although this has started with AMVETS, I would like this to include information on AMVETS, Auxiliary and Sons. We all share in the history of Post 79, and this is something that with today’s technology can be easily saved and made available for the future.
Another aspect of our website is the MILITARY HISTORY sub-heading under HOME, where we would like to provide a historical fact or information each month, which will not be in the USPS newsletter. Hopefully we can find something that does not garnish the big news bulletin, but an item that is interesting or a bit different. Again, feedback from you, our readers is important and if you know of an item the rest of us may find interesting, please contact me.
A few dates of interest for June: 4th-Battle of Midway begins-1942, 6th – Allied troops land in Normandy– 1944, 7th –Japanese invade Aleutian Islands-1942, 14th – Flag Day, 15th- Father’s Day, 22nd – FDR signs the GI Bill of Rights-1944.
Since Jean and I were in Minnesota visiting family over Memorial Day, wish to thank those that participated here in Waverly and understand everything went well. From my family to all of you, enjoy the weather and have a safe summer.
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