*The new Waverly Area Veterans Post is now in the process of being built. The west portion of the footings has been poured. It has been a long time coming, but great to see construction start.
*My thanks again to Bev Besh and his chicken dinner and to all those that step forward to provide meals or activities at the Post and Canteen. To those Ladies that provide a dessert of some sort on short notice with just a simple phone call, I want you to know how much I appreciate that. To everyone that has furnished a dessert/dish or does in the future; please make sure you identify your pan or bowl. I would also ask that you utilize the serving utensils of the Post, so yours do not get lost.
*With our location and the Bremer County Fair and Heritage Days coming in the near future, I would hope that some ideas would come up on how to utilize that to our advantage. Our location is ideal right now for some type of activities and ways to make money for the Post and/or the organizations. We need your ideas and help for this to be successful.
*Our latest order of bricks for the Tribute have arrived and waiting to be installed. An irrigation system has also been installed at the Tribute this past month, so if you were one of those wondering what was going on there, now you know. Have not seen it in operation yet, but that day will come.
*SPECIAL NOTE: A steak fry is being scheduled for Saturday, July 4th. This will be sponsored by the AMVETS Post, but everyone is welcome to come. The rules will be as before in that you MUST call in your order before 3:30 p.m. on Saturday. There are two numbers where you can leave messages and make sure you leave your name and order. The numbers: 319-483-9287 or 319-352-3830. Along with your meat selection, will be baked potato, salad bar, garlic toast and coffee. A great plan would be; have a July 4th meal at the WAVP with a drink or two, then proceed to watch the Shell Rock fireworks. Please drink and drive responsible, be safe not sorry, and know that we care about YOU.
*As anyone that has purchased meat recently knows, prices have risen so adjustments will be made. To hold some meat selections at the old price, the meat cuts will be smaller. The T-bones will be raised to $18.00. We (AMVETS) will give this a try and see how it works. Future adjustments may be necessary, but we will need your feedback. Please be patient and understanding. Choices and prices will be at the end of this newsletter.
*AMVETS will also be doing the second “Chicken Wings” special on Thursday, July 9th. These meals are necessary to help AMVETS pay for our monthly newsletters and mailings and provide an income for our Post. Please continue to support AMVETS and our activities by attending or offering to help. Need two or three volunteers for both July 4th and July 9th, duties will be to assist in serving, making garlic toast, cashier and clean up. Please leave your name at Canteen, if you are willing to assist your Commander at either of these activities.
*The “Red Solo Cup Lounge” is now open in the northwest corner of the parking lot. Enjoy the fresh air and nice evenings by transferring your drink (beer, wine or mixed) to a cup and sit outside. We don’t want any broken glass for someone to get injured, so please utilize the RSC’s. We are also in need of a part-time bartender or two, so if you know someone that would be willing to work: they may stop at the Canteen during working hours, call 319-483-9287 and leave a message or email fergiewaterloo@msn.com .
*At our AMVETS State Convention in Marshalltown this past month, Waverly Post 79 was awarded the AMVETS DEPARTMENT OF IOWA POST OF THE YEAR. This came as a total surprise, but shows that an active Post, that works hard, volunteers, involved in community activities even without a Post home can be recognized by others. My thanks to our Auxiliary, the SONS and our AMVETS for all that you do.
*To all of you, please enjoy your summer and do everything possible to keep yourself and your family safe.
*TIMES FOR STEAK FRY: 5:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.
RIBEYES – $14.00
SIRLOIN – $12.00
T-BONE -$18.00
IOWA CHOP -$9.00
CHICKEN – $9.00