***To our internet followers: The Commanders Call and others this month are a little out of the norm of what you are used too. There are a few things we have no control over and we have to adjust for that. Please know we try our best at getting our news out and available to our supporters.
**NOTE: Wartburg closed the Print Center for the Christmas Holidays, so this newsletter went to press by the 15th of December. This is why we ask, if you have internet, go to facebook and like Amvets Ladies Auxiliary Post 79, Waverly, IA, or www.amvets79.us. We try our best to post up to date information on the facebook page and ask for likes and share to get information out there.
*WAVP update as of 12/10/2015: Tatroe Electric is starting to continue conduit runs in lower level, lower level steel studs have been installed and stairwells started. Work progressing on upper level with steel stud walls being installed, and heavy steel framing being delivered.
*FYI: Not sure of date, but the old VFW number will probably be discontinued. So please add this number 319-483-9287 (WAVP) to your contact list. This decision will be made after this newsletter goes to press, but will again try our best to relay the information.
*This is the final Call for 2016 membership if you wish to maintain your continuous Years of Service in the Auxiliary, Sons or AMVETS. If you renew after the 1st of the year, the possibility exists you will become a new member. We will also be going through the mailing and email notification lists and removing your name if you have not renewed. Thank you and hoping to see those renewals in the mail.
*Please check the Calendar and note the steak fry scheduled for New Years Eve and the New Year’s Day Bowl party. Our Canteen coordinator, Michelle, has been pushing all of us to work together and getting something going. She would like to see each and every organization doing something and sharing the load. I offer my thanks to her for trying out different ideas. “Not sure where she got these pushy genes”.
*To all of you as we enter the winter months and the start of 2016, please drive careful, ensure your vehicles and you are prepared for winter travel, forget the exercise resolution so more time can be spent being positive.
*Thanks to MJ Steinbach, WAVP patches will be available, so check them out and “Thank you” MJ for your initiative.
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