*Hard to believe, but a year has gone by since the closure of the old VFW building and our resettlement at the Legion building. It has been a busy time for many of us and so many people deserve a load of “Thanks” for their commitment to make this project work. Just to refresh your memories: Super Bowl Sunday 2015 was the last activity at the VFW and the 2nd Saturday WAVP breakfast was the first activity at the Legion Hall. Please refer to the calendars for monthly activities, meetings, food nights, and other pertinent information.
*A year ago in my newsletter, I noted some items that I felt were needed to enhance our experiences at the WAVP Canteen. YOU, yes, YOU came through for me time after time, and answered my requests over and over. I have tried to thank everyone personally, but if I missed you; “Thank You and God Bless all of You”. If it was $1.00 or $300.00 does not matter to me, your support is what I treasure.
*A listing of just a few items (not a complete list) that improved our Canteen: bar & wine glasses, bar towels, pizza makers, portable gas grill for steaks, flat screen TV’s and wall brackets, white boards, electric stove and shelving.
*A listing of some people, again not a complete list, that stepped up: the Strotman’s, the Darrah’s, the Davidson’s, the Benning’s, the Tacky Tuesday Group, the Brandau’s, the Wooden’s, the Mohlis’s, the O’Hare’s, Kenny Miller, Gary Walker, Darrel Hirsch and so many more. What a great bunch of wonderful people.
*Reminder: Please add this number to your phone or make the needed change, 319-483-9287 is the number you need for the Canteen, steak orders, or to leave a message at the Post.
*The face book page we utilize, Amvets Ladies Auxiliary Post 79, Waverly, IA is becoming more active and ask that you check it out, become “friend”, “like”, and “share” if you wish. If you do not “friend”, there are or may be items you may not see. Pictures of the new facility are updated and our activities are highlighted on the site, plus activities of interest from other communities, esp. if it concerns Veterans.
*Have you noticed that it must be an election year? Best invention; “mute button on TV remote”. Getting harder and harder to watch TV, so am sitting here with ear buds and listening to the “Eagles” and Glenn Frey on spotify. I must be getting older, have lost some of my favorite singers this past year.
*A few things that our AMVETS family has been up to lately: AMVETS SEC meeting in Cedar Falls, Iowa Vets Day on the Hill at the Capital in Des Moines, Iowa Veterans Home Volunteer Committee meeting in Marshalltown. It seems that I am always busy some place or somewhere, but would like to thank everyone for your support.
*The Ladies are planning a steak fry for Saturday, Feb. 13th and some special Valentine activities, please help support them as the proceeds will go towards their scholarship funds.
*My final note for this newsletter; as this year progresses, we will be following the birth of a new home and with anything new, there will be some growing pains. There are still some skeptics, those that said “the Legion building won’t work”, and I believe they were wrong about that. A Winston Churchill quote; “Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”
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