Commander Ted Lanske
*Does not seem possible, but time for the February newsletter. Truthfully, as I sit here typing, I am having a hard time trying to figure out what to write or comment on for the newsletter. Please forgive me if I sound confused.
*First, I would like to inform all of you how well Waverly was represented at the Capital for Vets Day on the Hill. The Waverly group met Representative Sandy Salmon and she gave us a tour of the House chamber and informed us on their activities. More information will be placed in the “Latest News” on the web site. The Waverly paper (01/22/2015) posted a picture of the group with Rep. Salmon.
*As our time at the VFW draws to a close, I want to place a “THANK YOU” to the VFW membership, VFW Officers and everyone that supported AMVETS, Auxiliary, or Sons activities over the last several years. It was not always easy, but anybody can do easy; it takes patience, forgiveness, compassion, compromise, and muscle to do the hard work. These same attributes will be needed in the future.
*It is that time of year that thought must be given to the future in regards to leadership of our organization as elections will be held in May. If there is anyone that would be interested in being more involved with any part of our organization, please contact any of our Officers. If not as an Officer, then maybe a Veterans Home volunteer, food night helper, Meals on Wheels, or some other function.
*I have received no feedback in regards to the newsletter, so will continue as is for the present. We may even consider expanding the newsletter to include more information regarding all the entities in the future.
*Do not expect a completed calendar for February or March. February will be our month of setting up at the Legion and getting ready for business. The WAVP breakfast will be held at the Legion Hall on the second Saturday of the month. I would expect by then that we may have a handle on things and updates to share. Hopefully by March, some things will be scheduled and the calendar can restart.
*The WAVP will be looking for a Service Manager and some bartenders. If you are or know of someone interested in working for the WAVP; contact Carl Benning or Darrell Blasberg.
*Most of you probably have received your “Veterans Choice Card” by now. I hope you read the letter with it completely and understand that it has limits. It has been recommended that you keep the card in a safe place, even though you may not need it or it does not pertain to you presently, but it could in the future.
*To all, my phone number and email are readily available and if you wish to discuss the WAVP, our move, activities at the Legion or Veteran questions, contact me and we can set a time and date. I hesitate to discuss any issue after any consumption of alcohol or when an audience is present.
**MEMBERSHIP: If you have not renewed, please do so and continue your support of AMVETS, Auxiliary, Sons of AMVETS and Veterans. If you (AMVETS) have renewed and did not get a renewal sticker for your card, contact Steve VanHelten, Carl Benning or Ted Lanske. Please note that National has been informed by many of the stupidity of this sticker and changes for 2016 will be forthcoming.
*History bits for February: February 9, 1943 – During World War II in the Pacific, U.S. troops captured Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands after six months of battle, with 9,000 Japanese and 2,000 Americans killed.
February 15, 1898 – In Havana, the U.S. Battleship Maine was blown up while at anchor and quickly sank with 260 crew members lost. The incident inflamed public opinion in the U.S., resulting in a declaration of war against Spain on April 25, 1898, amid cries of “Remember the Maine!”
February 20, 1943 – German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel broke through American lines at Kasserine Pass in North Africa as inexperienced U.S. Troops lost their first major battle of World War II in Europe, with 1,000 Americans killed.
February 23, 1942 – During World War II, the first attack on the U.S. mainland occurred as a Japanese submarine shelled an oil refinery near Santa Barbara, California, causing minor damage.
February 27, 1991 – In Desert Storm, the 100-hour ground war ended as Allied troops entered Kuwait just four days after launching their offensive against Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi forces.
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