Ted Lanske Accepting AMVETS Post of the Year 2015
*First, I wish to say “Welcome” to Sara Stephens, our new WAVP Manager. May we all welcome her and do what we can to make the job easier. There will be a huge learning curve as she needs to learn the building, the operations, equipment and the people. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself more than once or introduce a friend. Thank you in advance.
*Bob O’hare is now officially my replacement on the WAVP board along with Carl Benning and James Brandau for AMVETS. Effective August 1st, Jean and I will no longer be volunteering to clean the club on a daily basis, or ensure garbage is out on Tuesday, recycling and redemption completed. We have done this for 1-1/2 years now and feel that with paid staff on board, we have done our part. We want to thank Bob & Sally O’hare for filling in when we had other commitments.
*The goal ?? is that the new facility be open about the middle of August, with set up, licenses, inspections, occupancy permits all in place before the end of August. There is a considerable amount of tables, chairs, some equipment, kitchen supplies and operating supplies that will need to be moved efficiently and quickly. Please note and review the letter from WAVP 1st Vice Carl Benning after my newsletter for more information.
*September will have a busy schedule with big plans for the Iowa firefighters in town and I truly hope everything works out. It will be a huge test for all Veterans groups involved. Again, several of you have stated to me that you are willing to help, and I ask “If this is still true, let Sara or someone on the food committee know”.
*August 31st ends AMVETS membership year for 2015-16 and we start 2016-17, so please renew as quickly as you can. Please note, that this year with the new facility, we will have a combined membership dinner. The hall will be divided with the curtain, with men on one side, ladies on the other and share the same menu. This will save the men and ladies some money, and may allow some that can’t participate normally that chance. The plan at this writing is, it will be scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday in October, which also allows some leftovers to be utilized for the Thursday food night. If you wish to make comments about this, please contact me or an Officer of AMVETS or Auxiliary.
*As this chapter of our building campaign comes to a close and we start the next chapter in the new facility, please review where you stand with your pledges. Many people have made pledges that have not been fulfilled, others have stated “when I see the new building”, and others could easily increase the amount or extend their pledge for additional time and money. FOLKS, the building is here, easily visible from the street or river, and looks fantastic. This is YOUR building, be proud but we still need some financial help. The deck is one item that has been put on hold for now, but visit the building and imagine having a beverage of your choice, sitting on the deck with a view of the river.
*My condolences and thanks to Marvin Behrens: Condolences on the loss of his wife this past June after a hard fought battle. Eileen was active in the local Legion post and other community organizations. My thanks to Marv for his generous donation of $350.00 to help fix and beautify the flat trailer used during Memorial day and recently in the Heritage Days parade. Bless you Marvin.
*Help AMVETS help Veterans
WAVP Facility Update from Vice Chairman Carl Benning
Circle your calendars! A Grand Opening has been set for October 8 at 11 am!
The new facility is nearing completion. Dry Wall installation is finished, most kitchenequipment is in (still needs final hookup), painting is being completed, the south parking lot is 75% completed, the north lot should be completed in the next week or two, Carpet installation will begin next week, bathrooms are tiled (fixtures are being installed), and fiber optic is being run throughout the building.
A few things remain: installation of natural gas by Mid-America, painting of exterior steel doors, handing wood ulterior doors, countertops for the bar and kitchen, installation of the divider curtain, and a zillion little details. The final task will be a major cleaning!
We are planning a couple events to coincide with the State Firemen’s Convention the first week in September, which will require us to be “up and going.” This dictates that the “move” to begin the second week in August. We will need many, many, many hands to accomplish this task. Several enclosed trailers will make the move easier; let Board members know if you are aware of any.
This is what all of us have been looking forward to for several years! Stay tuned for opportunities to help out with moving. Please, we need your assistance!
Although the project remains within budget, the construction costs continue. If you have pledges that have not yet been fulfilled, please consider those cash payments. If your pledges have been completed, would you consider additional gifts (many already have done so). To date, we have over 850 donor units; however, there is still opportunity for more to be recognized on the Wall of Honor before the grand opening.
The Board of Directors, past and future veterans, and many community members thank everyone who has made a donation of any kind to this project. If you have not yet made a contribution, thoughtfully consider a gift to help make this facility “debt-free!”