Commander’s Call

Well it’s June, l think, one day it is 40 and the next it is 70 or 80.

I would like to thank everyone that has helped with any of the Memorial events. Those that helped putting up and taking down the Avenue of Flags and the small flags at the graves in seven cemeteries, also the crosses for Flanders Field. lt takes many volunteers to plan and hours of work to make it happen. Thank you to everyone who gave their time.

Thank you to all the Auxiliary Presidents and the Daughters of the Revolution for their  part in the Memorial Day activities. I would also like to thank the Amvets Auxiliary for the lunch they prepared and served.

My term as Commander is coming to a close and the new Commander will be taking over. This will be my last news letter.

Thank you.

Bob O’Hare, Commander

2019-2020 AMVETS Officers

Commander    Ron Ihde

1st Vice Membership    Steve Van Helten

2nd  Vice Programs    Ed Abben

Adjutant    Jon Kaiser

Finance    Carl Benning

Judge Advocate    James  Brandau

Historian    Steve Van Helten

Service  Officer    Bob O’Hare