Just thinking out loud here, but maybe we have got winter behind us. Wasn’t Easter Sunday a great day?
We lost another member of the Amvets family, Past Commander Donald Leisinger. He will be missed.
May 8th at the Amvets meeting is the date to submit your name for one of the officers position on the Amvets board. My second term as Commander will be up in June. I will not be submitting my name nor will I except any position. It’s time to bring some new blood into the group with new ideas and take the Amvets into the future.
Let’s remember at the WAVP we have a Breakfast ( Second Saturday ), Fish Fry( Third Friday ), Steak fry (three Saturday’s a Month) and Thursday night meals.
There is a short order grill and special meals put on by Gail and Meredith. These meals are great. We can compete with anybody.
If there are any Question or concerns Call (319) 404-2311 or Email me at Bobohare201@gmail.com.
Thank you.
Bob O’Hare