Commanders Call
I can’t believe we are in the 10th month already. Time stands still for nobody.
I’m asking for input to get information out to everyone. Please check with
other members and ask them if they are ever reading these Commander calls.
If nobody is reading these things, then it’s kind of pointless to write them.
I need to conserve what little brain I have left. Please attend our meetings on
the second Wednesday of the month. These meetings are open to anyone
who wants to attend however only members have a vote. The Commander
most always has a true story or two impart.
2021 Dues – The reminders have been sent. Thanks to all who have already
returned them!
Annual Membership Dinner – We plan to have our membership dinner on Oct.
14 (social hour at 5:30, dinner at 6:30). All life members, paid 2021 members
and Patriot supporters are entitled to a free meal. Any guests (spouses, significant
others, potential members) are encouraged to attend; we will ask for a $5 or
more donation for any guests. It’s worth more than $5 to see your AMVET
commander and hear what he might have to say. The entire upper floor
will be used for social distancing.
Recognition of Longevity – Those who have been AMVET members for more
than 40 years will be recognized. If our records are incorrect, please let us know.
Veteran Benefits – We will have various prizes, gift certificates, etc. for the
traditional raffle. All proceeds are earmarked for various veteran benefits.
WAVP Happenings: Thanks to all those who continue to support the numerous
activities held at the WAVP Post. There are still many “first-timers” attending;
help make them feel welcome! Remember, this facility belongs to YOU and
the community. Bear with the staff over the next month or so as construction
begins on the new sanitary sewer main thru WAVP property for the Whitetail
subdivision. The Board, the City and the developer have finally reached an
Commander Ron Ihde with help from Carl Benning
319 276 4662 Cell 319 290 6762 e-mail