It’s hard to believe that September has arrived. This has been a year to remember or forget. Getting back to
what we do is going to take some planning and some tough decisions. I’m asking for your support to move forward.
Armed Forces Official Birth Dates
Army-June 14, 1775
Navy-October 13, 1775
Marine Corp-Nov. 10, 1775
Coast Guard-August 4, 1790
Air Forse-Sept. 18, 1947
Space Force- Dec.20, 2019
However, the oldest component of the armed forces of the United States is the National Guard-Dec. 13, 1636.
September 27 is the official annual observance of Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s day.
September 18 is the official National POW/MIA Recognition Day. There are over 83,000 individuals still listed as “Missing in Action.” We have a couple local examples from the Vietnam War. Donald McGrane was killed in a helicopter crash in 1967 while attempting the rescue of a downed pilot. His remains were finally turned over by North Vietnam and identified in 1982. Paul Millus was piloting during a combat mission in February, 1968,when his plane received multiple hits from anti-aircraft artillery and immediately burst into flames. Capt. Milius remained at the controls and ordered his crew to bail out. Within 3 hours, 7 of the 9 crew members were rescued; Milius remains MIA yet today.
WAVP Notes- Thanks to the ingenuity and cooperation of the management team, activities are
numerous and finances are strong. In addition to the normal Thursday meals and Saturday steaks, several Tuesday night specials ad Friday Family Fun nights have instituted. Weddings, bridal and baby showers, birthday and anniversary celebrations, blood drives, local business events, civic organizations activities, etc. have kept the staff occupied. Keep tuned to social media for details (make sure, you give the bar staff your e-mail address if you haven’t been receiving our e-mails).
WAVP Facility Debt – Because of a very generous gift from the Warren Anderson estate, the total loans outstanding for WAVP are down to $230,000. Thanks to all of the 1000 + donors that have contributed to this “one-of-a-kind” effort!!
I approve this message!! I’m getting to the point if I hear that said one more time I’m about to throw-up. How about we change that to ” I promise that this message is the truth and nothing but the whole truth so help me God.
Your commander Ron Ihde with help from Carl Benning. I encourage anyone to send me stuff to print for all.
319 276 4662 cell 319 290 6762 e-mail
I’m still having trouble with my meal set up. Last night I ate tomorrow’s leftovers.