Commander’s Call

April 28, 2020
REF: Department Convention 2020
Fellow AMVETS, Auxiliary, Sons, Riders, and Juniors:
In these unprecedented times, our Constitution and ByLaws does not address how we would handle a quarantine situation like the one we are currently in. Our Post homes have been closed and many of you have not been near anyone since mid March unless it was grocery shopping, gas or pharmacy needs.
Guidance from National indicates many States across the Country have already cancelled their State Convention. In discussions with the Marshalltown Hotel, they are currently only renting hotel rooms. Banquet Rooms, lounge, restaurant, bar and pool have all been closed. Their quarantine period has recently been extended again until at least May 15th. Marshall County is one of the current hot spots for the virus. Due to the age of our membership, and in the interest of keeping everyone safe the AMVETS State Convention is cancelled for 2020. In late June or July, we will attempt to set a one day meeting at a Post to take care of Convention business like the 2020-2021 budget and election of officers. We will give everyone plenty of notice of when this will take place. National Commander Jan Brown has extended revalidation requirements for Departments to August 1, 2020. If Departments are unable to hold elections before then, the current officers will remain in their respective positions until next year.
Any officers not able to continue to serve, those vacancies would be filled by the existing CBL.
For those Posts, who will not be changing any officers, I urge you to submit your revalidation paperwork to Executive Director Clark Leckington as soon as you are able. I have enclosed a copy of the revalidation form with this information. If I can be of any assistance to you please do not hesitate to reach out. I know these are difficult times for our Posts and for our Post Homes who rely so much on Clubroom income. Working together, we can all get through this together.
Kevin Reece
Commander AMVETS Department of Iowa