Well here we go again, if you didn’t get it done in 2019 make a new plan for 2020. The numbers in the year being the same will not be seen by anyone now living and very few living today saw the 1919 nor will they see 2121. I sometimes digress on trivia which I think helps to keep my mind fresh to meet the daily challenges.
Those of you that are reading the entire newsletter tell your friends and fellow vets to click on the commanders call to open up the entire newsletter. We need more reading of this or we may as well give it up. It’s a lot of work.
Congratulations to Dave Farran ! He has spearheaded the movement to get the diagonal Hwy 330 from Marshalltown to the Capital grounds named “Submarine Veterans Memorial Highway”. This is a 52 mile stretch of road, which signifies the exact number of submarines lost WWll. The signs are up!
AMVETS Post 79 has donated $300 to the VA Hospital in Iowa City as well as $300 to the Iowa Veterans Home in Marshalltown. These funds were made possible by the raffle held at the membership dinner. Thanks to all who contributed.
There are still several members who have not yet paid their 2020 dues. If you have received your current membership card, thank you. If not, please send your dues of $35 to P.O. Box 93 Waverly to maintain your membership. Go to the AMVETS national organization website to realize the benefits of membership. Also, your dollars assist in the effort to maintain and expand the federal VA benefits for all veterans. Remember, as the number of veterans declines, your voice becomes ever more critical.
It’s important to attend the monthly meeting on the second Wednesday at 7 pm.
RON IHDE 319 276 4662 and 319 290 6762.