Commander’s Call

Being a commander here is somewhat different than in active military duty. Then we did what
the commander said no questions asked. Now we ask you all to help do what our goals and
projects are. I want to thank you in advance for when you come forward and get in the game.
Well enough of that for now.
My wife and I are coming up on 60 years married. Wow. We had 5 daughters we lost one
to cancer in 2009 will never get over that loss. We have 3 son in laws, 11 grand children
12 great grand children and one great great grand daughter.
For now my wife is in the Shell Rock nursing home following open heart surgery but is
having a hard time getting back on her feet. Having this going on I have not had much time
to do recruiting however I set a goal of at least 5 new members by meeting time.
My phone has been ringing off the hook from AMVET members asking for help to
improve the recruiting project going on now. HA! HA! I wish. Ok lets get moving on RECRUITING.
As you can see writing is not my strong point however I can talk up a storm. So come to
the monthly meetings on the second Wednesday at 7 PM and hear me.
Don’t forget work day on 9/11/19.
Thank you. Ron Home # 319 276 4662 Cell # 319 290 6762.