Commander News

AMVETS Commander
Bob O’Hare

Membership Dinner was well attended. Thanks to the Sons and past Commanders for the raffle prizes. And thanks to all who have paid their 2018 dues; the membership cards are being mailed out to those not attending the dinner. Several new members and a few transfers have joined Post 79. The guest for the dinner was George Cummings, National President of the Riders and his daughter, Courtney National Junior AMVETS. He spoke on what the Riders group represents and hopes of organizing more chapters. If anyone would like more information please contact me.

Veterans Day activities at the WAVP include the regular second Saturday breakfast from 7:30 to 10:00 AM. A brief program will begin at l1:00AM followed by lunch provided by several area businesses. There will be displays of military memorabilia from 10:00AM until 2:00PM. Please consider sharing anything you might have. Tables will be provided; however you will be responsible for the display. A special silent auction will be held for misc. bar lights, pool table lights, etc. and other items anyone wishes to donate. These items will be on display in Patriots Hall beginning Friday, November 1Oth and ending at 1:00PM on Saturday, November 1l’h . Don’t forget to sign up.

Let’s not forget our blessing on Thanksgiving Day.

Let’s not forget to honor and support our veterans.

Any questions or concerns call:

Bob O’Hare, Commander Post 79

Phone 319-404-2311

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